Demons Episode 31- Killing The King 2

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Gadiel: well, well, well, it's all done. You humans are given a chance to punch me and if I dodge your moves then I'll get wild.

Titan: *WHISPER* who must go?

Revlis: *WHISPER* the one who planned? Titan I think you should go.

Titan: *WHISPER* I think we both should go.

Revlis: *WHISPER* as you say.

Titan and Revlis both go to attack, Gadiel dodges their attacks one by one.

Revlis: *WHISPER* how can he move that much at one time!?!

Titan: *WHISPER* I think he's very good trained.

Revlis: he's horn is down, I'll hit up at his head!

Revlis hits his hand at Gadiel's head but feel a strong pain.

Revlis: huh!?!

Revlis sees that Gadiel's horn had got pierced in Revlis's hand.

Revlis: huh? Aaah!!!!!

Revlis runs away from Gadiel quickly.

Titan: Revlis!?!

Revlis: Titan, wait, I'll come after some time!

Revlis goes and sits next to Clark and Silver.

Revlis: *SCARED, WHISPER* I had seen his horn tip was down so I hit him up but I don't know how but the tip pierced my hand.

Clark: *BLANK* may be he can move them.

Revlis: what!?!

Gadiel keeps his hand on his left horn and moves it.

Gadiel: can move the left but not the right. It is facing opposite, and is like that from birth.

Titan: huh? Gr.

Titan was still trying to punch Gadiel but Gadiel was dodging his moves. Titan stops, Gadiel too.

Titan: I surely think that Rex Zeno must have trained you.

Gadiel: demons don't get trained by others, they just train themselves.

Titan: huh!?! I'll try it again!

Titan tries to punch Gadiel again but this time Gadiel grabs his fist.

Titan: huh?

Gadiel: you'll be dead...

Gadiel scratches Titan's both shoulders hardly using his clawed hands.

Titan: huh?

Gadiel scratches Titan's thorax then leaves his hands.

Gadiel: finished.

Titan: why do you act so cruel just because we entered in your mansion? Why are you acting so bad to all, even calm with Lucy?

Gadiel: living with them... Rex Zeno has raised me with care but the mind of the orphan was still in me. Walking around, roaming from place to place with the prince... I was always thinking that I'm their servent, and I even acted like that with calmness, *ANGRY* but the anger for the humans stayed there in my mind.

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