Demons Episode 28- Trapped!!

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_____________White Lake_____________

Titan and Revlis were in the water now. Silver had her feet in the water.

Revlis: it's relaxing!!!

T&S: yes....


Revlis: haha! I think something is tickling my feet!

Titan: I feel it too!!

Clark reaches to that place.

Clark: so... I'll have to..

Clark sees Silver there, with Revlis and Titan.

Clark: huh? YOU THREE HERE!?!

Titan, Revlis and Silver look at Clark.

Silver: huh? Hey Clark!

Clark: Silver? Revlis? Titan? What are you three doing here?

Revlis: if you see a water body around...

Titan: .... Then you should jump in it...

Revlis: whether it is a lake, puddle or a full glass.

Clark: I... Don't want to jump in the water.

Titan: if I were you then I would had jumped in it when saw it. Stupid mule, just acts like that girl sitting there.

Clark: uhh... I had came here minutes ago. And ... I had also seen some demon mermaids inside.


Titan and Revlis turn and see some Demon mermaids next to them.

R&T: aaaaaaa!!!!!!

Silver: huh? Run!!!

All four of them run away from the place.

______________at a place______________

They all had stopped at a place.

Titan: phew! It was close!!

Revlis: Yes!

They look around the place, it was Amethyst City.

Silver: huh? Did we reach in Amethyst City again!?!

Clark: huh?

Silver: that's bad!!

Revlis: yes!

Titan: humph! Revlis, we have to become the "THIEVES" and rob Mr. Oreki's goods.

Revlis: oh yes! But can't we become the "THIEVES" tomorrow?

Titan: no, come.

Revlis: *CRY* please wait....

Titan: COME!!

Titan grabs Revlis's hand and takes him with him.

____________while walking___________

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