Valentine's Letter✉️

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Jeon Jungkook pressed the pink envelope to his chest and smiled brightly

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Jeon Jungkook pressed the pink envelope to his chest and smiled brightly.

'Oh, looks like someone got another Valentine's letter. Who sent it to you?'
Jungkook smiled at his best friend Jimin before looking over at the rest of the group

Most of them were smiling back except for his hyung Jin who was looking away. Jungkook gnawed on his bottom lip.

He was worried that his hyung had been quite recently, withdrawing more from them the closer graduation came, and it broke his heart. Jungkook had loved his hyung for ages and didn't want him to go.

Jimin teased him constantly about it and actually made him pinky swear that he would tell Jin how much of a crush he had on him if the other hadn't confessed by the end of the year.

When he disagreed, Jimin had dared Jungkook, and well, Jungkook never backed down from a dare.

He had been working up the courage until the letters had started showing up.

Jungkook had hoped deep down they were from Jin.

There was something familiar about them. Something personal in each one, and yet he couldn't imagine that Jin would send them.

One had a poem, but not just any poem, a poem directly from his favorite poet. Or a song lyric from an artist that only Jungkook knew and liked. One even hand-written lyrics that Jungkook couldn't find anywhere.

That meant the person had written Jungkook his very own love song, so of course, he had gone to Yoongi hyung and begged him to help Jungkook produce it. And oddly enough, Yoongi just happened to have the perfect background music for it.

That in itself was suspicious, and yet Yoongi swore he had never seen the lyrics before.

'Jungkook-ah, you know I don't do lyrics. That's a Joon-ie thing'

Then yesterday's letter had come with a hand-drawn comic strip that reminded Jungkook of Taehyung's art.

Yet Tae swore to him up and down he had never drawn that before. Still, the comic had made Jungkook both giggle and sigh at the sweetness of it.

Yet each time Jungkook mentioned the letters or tried to share them, Jin would get up and walk away. Like Jin was angry that Jungkook was excited about receiving the letters and sharing them with the group. It made Jungkook worry that maybe they weren't actually from the one person he so desperately wanted them to be from.

Sitting down, he carefully opened the newest one to read it. Zoning in on the carefully constructed letters letting the background noise fade away as he let the words soak in.

Dear Little Star,

When this night passes, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you. The gazes that I got so used to. The ease of simple touches and comfort gained from them. The face that smiled at me with such sweet looks. Will I be unable to see you as the sun rises?

In my everyday life, you have always been there. In your everyday life, I was always there. And yet soon, the moon will disappear, and the sun will rise. And when that day comes, what will happen to our everyday lives? The one who has been with me this whole time, will you still be there or will you be gone?

You are the little star that lights up my heart. And all I see is you.

Everyone claims I'm beautiful, but no one saw my black sea, no one but you. To me, you're the one with the flowers blooming all around you, and your sky is blue. Though the sun is rising, I want you to know that I'll always be around for you. I'll always be there for you to be your light, to be your all. Whatever you need, even if it is just to be your friend.

Before meeting you, I felt like I didn't have a name, a reason, or meaning. And now you're my name, my reason, and meaning. You who stood by me in the dark night shining so brightly gave me that reason. So thank you, little star.

Please remember when you are sad, when you are sick, even when you are just there to shine on me with your bright smile. That all I long to do is be right there by your side, soaking every ray up.

Forever your moon

Jungkook hadn't realized he was crying until he touched his cheeks. Looking around, he pushed up from the table

'Where is he?'

'Who, Jungkook-ah? What's going on?'
Jimin reached out and tried to pull him back down

Concerned etched on his face as he reached for the letter, Jungkook was gripping tightly.

'Where is hyung? Where's Jin?'

The group looked around, not realizing that at some point, Jin must have slipped away. Jungkook's eyes fell to Yoongi, silently pleading with him. He took a deep breath

'Please hyung, I need to tell him I love him'

Sighing, Yoongi rolled his eyes.

Waving his hand toward the direction of the glass doors, he shrugged

'I believe he went to the field, top of the bleacher, where you two used to eat lunch before we joined you'

'Thank you'
Grabbing his bag, Jungkook held the letter tightly as he ran through the cafeteria, racing to the fields

Frantically looking around until he spotted a figure standing at the top facing away from him. Taking the steps two at a time, he ran to him, yelling.

'Hyung! HYUNG!'

Startled, Jin turned around. He barely had time to brace himself against the railing before Jungkook jumped into his arms, crying.

Slowly easing them down to sit on the bleachers, Jin held Jungkook tightly as he cried on his shoulder.

'Hyung, why didn't you say anything'

Jin buried his nose into the crook of Jungkook's neck and shoulder.

'I was scared, Kookie. What if you didn't feel the same? And I'm leaving for college soon. I didn't want to hold you back or ask you to wait for me. But, then the thought of leaving without telling you didn't feel good either'

Pulling away from him, Jungkook stared at Jin as he reached up and brushed away the tears streaming down his face.

'That's not even fair. I've loved you forever, hyung, and you held back all this time?'

'Kookie, I-'
Jin stopped and looked at him before leaning in and pressing his lips against Jungkook's

'I've always loved you, little star. You are my everything. It's always been you'

Before Jin could pull away again, Jungkook wrapped his arms around his neck and pressed their lips together again, whispering against his lips.

'I've always loved you, my moon, my everything. It's always been you, hyung. Always will be'

A/N- Happy Valentine day lovies!🥰💗

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