Chapter Three: The Aftermath

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It was the day after the fight with Zeus. Percy had woken up and he was hungry. He went to the kitchen and made some food. After he ate it he started to explore Mount Olympus. He was met by Ares and the God of War offered to give him the tour. Seeing he had no one else he figured he might as well accept the offer.

After the tour Percy said to Ares. "Thanks for your help. You are annoying and like fights too much but in the end you were there. So for that I thank you. I must leave you here so that I may see what new powers I have and how little control I have over them." He left leaving the War God very stunned. After a few moments Ares smiled he had made the right choice in siding with Percy. He muttered to himself. "Things are going to get very interesting with you in charge. I can't wait to see the shit hitting the fan I wonder who is going to get it. Even if it is me it would be funny."

Ares many assumed was not bright in the head. That was not true. He was very smart. He was able to figure out it was Luke that took the master blot after all. He just did not like to us his brain very often. He was a fighter not a thinker. He was often on the field of battle. He knew he did not use his brain much he was going to have to change that. So he knew he made the right choice since a new leader was needed.

Now many would think that Ares would want to be in charge. That was not the case not even close to it. In fact Ares did not want to be the King of the Gods. The reason was simple. He was a warrior not a politician and being the King meant being a politician. Leading on a battlefield was different. He knew Percy would make a great King and he would gladly serve Percy. Ares respected people who had power and who used it well. Percy was one of them. He was tuff but fair at the same time.

Annabeth was not happy. Actual that statement needs to be looked at more closely. She was happy she was just mad at herself. About a year ago Percy told her that he had feelings for her and he might love her. He asked if they could date and they could explore if they had feelings for each other. She told him that she did not feel the same way. She cared about him and saw him as a friend and a brother but she did not love him and never would love him like that.

She now realized her mistake. She was not jealous that Percy became the King of the Gods. No she was happy for him. She would wish him well. She did not even care that she could have been the Queen of the Gods if she had told Percy she needed to wait and see how she felt or if she agreed with his plan or if she had followed her heart at the time. At the time her heart was screaming at her to tell him she loved him. She did not listen. It was not until during a lull in the final battle that she realized she did love him. "Is there a chance I wonder?" She heard a voice say. "No there is no chance. You had it and you blew it plain and simple."

Looking up Annabeth sees her best female friend Thalia. "It can't be the end I must have a chance. I can't accept that it is over." Annabeth said. Thalia sighed at her friends thoughts. Annabeth was very smart expect when it came to matters of the heart. Thalia started to play her part. She was going to see if Annabeth was worthy of her brother. Depending on how Annabeth acted depended on if Thalia would help her.

"I am sorry but it is over. He only sees you as a sister right now. If you told him you loved him now he would think you only said it so you could be Queen." Thalia said. Yes she and the other hunters were told about the leadership change. They were they when Percy issued the challenge. They did not see the fight.

Artemis told them all that had happened. Thalia found it funny. "I knew he would do that freeing you and all. It is so him." A few of the hunters were ok but most did not care either way. A few were too young to understand. No one out right hated it. A few were actually happy about it. Annabeth started to cry. Thalia let her cry and just held her.

After she was done she was better. It hurt but she would get over it and would be ok. Annabeth walked away and Thalia shook her head. She had to fight the urge to shoot Annabeth. The truth was Percy still loved her a little bit. It was a long shot but if Annabeht really cared she would have made an attempt and she would have succeeded in it. It only showed that her friend did not care about her brother which meant she was not worthy which meant she would not help.

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