Chapter Fifthteen: The proposal

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The day had come and Percy was a mixture of nervous and excited about tonight. Tonight he was going to ask Artemis and Athena to marry him. He was excited about the prospect of starting a new stage of his life. He was nervous so nervous that he started going through his head all the things that could go wrong. He starts to panic which caused Scarlet to laugh.

"I am sorry daddy but you take on monsters and do not bat an eyelash but asking the two women you love to marry you makes you like a scared puppy. It is funny Lilly is going to laugh and so is Aunty T." Scarlet said which caused Percy to laugh everyone would find it funny. Thalia agreed to watch her niece tonight. He also knew that Thalia would not let him live it down.

Athena and Artemis were getting ready with the help of Aphrodite. They really did not like asking her for help but since it was there three year anniversary they figured it was important to look their best. Plus sometimes when Aphrodite was in a romantic mode she tended to give information away. So the two were hoping she might let slip what Percy was planning.

"I am sorry sisters but I will not tell you or let slip. Percy trusts me not a lot but it is a start. I do not want to lose the trust he has for me. Also I do not wish to lose my friend. When you have a good friend you do not lose them. It is a lesson I have wished I had learned sooner." The goddess of love said.

"You have changed a lot and it is all do to Percy. It amazes me how powerful he really is." Athena said.

"Yeah I know it is wonderful at the same time but also scary. I think that is why Zeus feared Percy. Percy could get almost anyone to join his side." Artemis said. Athena thought about it.

"You are right he could change people and others. Zeus probably felt Percy would lead a rebellion against him." Both called Zeus by his name and not father or dad or anything like that for a simple reason. That being they did not see him that way he was never a father to them. Both also knew that Percy would never have led a rebellion. It was not his way.

Scarlet was dropped off with Thalia and Lilly was there as well. Thalia did laugh when she found out how nervous her brother was.

"You have to relax they will say yes." She said.

"I know but I am allowed to be nervous you know. It is perfectly normal." Percy said which caused Thalia to hug her brother and laugh.

"I understand but just trust me it will work out. Besides you are not normal not even for a former demi god." Thalia understood what was bugging him deep down besides the not right having two wives thing. Actually she knew he had gotten over that part. She knew so she had to put him at ease the best she could. That is what sisters did.

"They will not be like her. They are not her and never will be her. They will not hurt you like she did. Now go out have fun and come back engaged." Percy did feel a little bit better but he was still upset and nervous. He flashed away.

"Aunty is he going to be ok?" Scarlet asked.

"I think so. He was hurt before by someone he loved and his heart never fully got over that." Thalia answered her niece. Scarlet did not know that Annabeth was the one that broke her daddy's heart or else she would have ripped out Annabeth's heart.

"Will they say no?" Scarlet asked.

"I do not think so. Now enough of this talk let us go get dinner and have fun." Thalia took the girls and had some dinner. She had gotten better at cooking. Sally had taught her how to cook. Thalia did not have to learn since Sally would cook when the young girl became the Queen of the underworld but Thalia insisted.

Sally was also able to get information out of Thalia about her future daughter in laws. She only knew what Hades and Percy and Scarlet told her. Thalia was a different view a women's view. The two became friends and it was a lot of fun for both. Sally was like the mother that she had before she ran away. Artemis was good to her but Sally had more of mothers touch.

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