Chapter Four: The Big Meeting

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Three days had gone by and the meeting was set for now. Many were confused as to what was going to happen. Some were scared about what might happen. Only Athena was not sacred or worried. That was due to the fact that she helped plan the meeting. She was going to enjoy watching the others reactions.

Hades came early to the meeting he was asked by Percy. Percy seeing him smiled. "I wish to ask what happened to my mother?" Hades looked at the King. "She is the cook at the palace. My wife heard how good she cooked. My wife gave her a challenge she met it and now she is the cook. She is happy and wished that I send you her best. She also asked me to tell you not to blame yourself. She hopes you will come and say hi to her at some point." Percy clapped the lord of death on the shoulder.

Hades knew it was meant as a thank you. After about an hour all the gods minor and major and guest had arrived. Percy looked at everyone. "Now first of all I made some food. A meeting should not start without some food. So everyone grab some food. Personally I am not awake without some caffeine so let us get to it."

After everyone had their fill Percy sat down. He did not like the throne Zeus had it was too ugly. He had not had time to change it. He would soon after the meeting. He sat on the floor and asked everyone else to do the same. All did it somewhat reluctantly. "Ok everyone the last three days I have been reading Zeus's journals and he was messed up. He let a lot of things go that I do not like. So things will change. Many will not like it but I don't care. I have talked over my ideals with Athena and she agrees."

Everyone was getting more nervous. Athena had tried to change things before that never went through and many of them scared the gods. Percy looked at them. "Artemis have you decided what your brother's punishment shall be. I am sorry I will not allow his children to be harmed. Anything else within reason is fair game. Before anyone ask. She knows what had happened. I am ashamed at you father and you Hades."

He took a pause. "Father you had many periods that you had no mortal children the same with you Hades. You could have told her. I would have thought father that you would want your son's death avenged." He shook his head and did not look at the reactions of his father or Hades. He really did not care.

Artemis bowed. "For the next five hundred years he is not to have any relations with any women. If he does I will see if she is pregnant if she is I will wait until she gives birth. Once she does I will kill her. Should my brother break this I get ten percent of his power after ten times he will become mortal. The woman will be kept in my camp and watched over by my hunters." Percy raised his hands and a flash of lightning was seen and it was done.

Apollo was furious. Percy did not care. "She is being far nicer then I would be. I would have drained you of your powers and made you mortal and then play a game of deadly hide and seek. So be quite. Your sister must still love you if she is being that nice." Percy said and he took a pause. The outburst was due to his anger being high.

"Artemis I know that you have been asking to make your Hunters into your daughters." With a flash of light it was done. "Thalia please tell Annabeth how the cabin should be. When she tries to make it better hit her upside the head." Thalia smirked she so hoped she got the chance to do that. "Thanks Percy." Many were horrified that she spoke with him so formally. Expect Athena, Artemis and Ares. Ares was laughing on the inside.

Artemis was just so happy that her wish had come true. She loved Percy even more now. She had to tell him more than ever now. She did not even have to ask it was done. She had to thank Athena for pleading her case. Later when she found out how little pleading was done she starred a make out session with Percy. She did not found out till three years later.

"That is one thing. Unless I tell you otherwise call me Percy and not king lord or any other title. It annoys me. I am just Percy that is all I ever want to be called. If you feel you have to be formal then call me Mr. Percy but that makes me feel odd. Anyway now on to the stuff none of you will like."

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