Chapter Twenty

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It had been a year and a half since Thetis was born. Zoe could now talk and her first words were mommy which happened when Artemis was holding her. It caused Artemis to cry happy tears when that happened. Her next words a few days later were daddy. She was almost three at the time. Thetis had started to walk and already she was starting to show the intelligence that she would inherit form her mother. She loved to be read to at night no matter what it was. Zoe she loved to be read to but she rather be outside in the forest or with nature. Zoe was also a great big sister for Thetis.

Scarlet and Lily their relationship was stronger than ever. How strong you ask it was so strong that with their parent's blessings they underwent the marriage ritual to bond themselves as wives and mates. They had yet to make love yet so Lily was not marked yet. The reason being both felt they were too young to do that. However, they did sleep in the same bed and cuddle with each other at night. Lily had become a fourth daughter to Percy, Artemis and Athena also a fourth granddaughter for Sally.

Percy was in his training ground he had mastered the bow and the spear by this point. He had a 70 percent mastery of a knife. That is what he was working on. His mastery over lighting and water and ice were complete. He was nervous about something.

Things have felt off the last few weeks and it had him nervous. Things had been wonderful for him the last few years and that worried him since nothing ever stayed good for him. Norm walked in to the training room.

"Brother I bring news you will not like." Norm said.

"Say it please." Percy said.

"Monsters are gathering." Norm said.

"I am guessing this is bad since monsters gather all the time." Percy said and Norm nods his head.

"They are under the banner of Hercules." Norm said. Percy was at first shocked but the shock turned to anger.

"He is trying to take the throne from you." Norm said. Percy was mad but he took a deep breath. He guessed there was more. He could feel it. He also knew that Norm was holding back.

"Norm just tell me please." Percy said and Norm sighed.

"Hercules has promised to rape your wives and when your daughters are old enough he will do it to them. He also wants to keep you alive to force you to watch." Norm said. Percy was holding his anger in.

"There is more I am afraid. He has monsters that are in the waiting to kidnap your young daughters." Norm said.

"Thanks Norm you know what to do." Percy said.

Percy was rocking Zoe and Thetis in his rocking chair. He had one in each arm. Both were cuddled up to their father and both were asleep. They had been asleep for about an hour. Percy normally would have put them in their crib or bed by now. However, he did not want to let them go and did not want to go to bed. It was not because he had a fight with his wives or anything like that.

He was worried about something. Athena and Artemis came into their daughter's room and saw their husband holding them very close to him. Both knew their husband and by now and both knew he was not one hundred percent at this point something was troubling him. Percy for a side note had not told his wives what Norm told him yet.

Athena and Artemis took their daughters and placed them into the cribs. They then dragged Percy to their room. Percy then told them everything that Norm told him. It made both enraged not only for the fact that someone was threating to rape them but they daughters as well.

"I am also worried I do not want anyone to hurt Thetis and Zoe or you guys." Percy said.

"I understand we will be with you." Artemis said.

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