Chapter Eighteen

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The next morning Percy woke up naked next to an equally naked Artemis and an equally naked Athena. He remembered last night as he made love to both of his wives at the same time. Well one after the other. First was Artemis and then Athena. The two had already decided before hand which one would be first. How they decided Percy never asked for he was scared of the answer. Both were warped around him and Percy had an arm around each of them and never had Percy felt such a feeling of peace as he did now. It was a feeling he never wanted to go away and he vowed form that second on to fight for.

Artemis woke up naked and next to her equally naked husband and sister. She smiled upon waking up and snuggled deeper into Percy's embrace. She for a brief moment wondered why she waited this long to make love to someone. She then remembered that her father made her the goddess she was. Percy opened up her heart and she was glad she waited to make love for the first time.

Athena also woke up naked with her body warped around her husband. She also had similar thoughts as her sister. Both were content and happy right now. Both were also happy that they could control when they got pregnant which was good with how many times Percy made love to them.

If Percy had made love that many times to a demi goddess or a mortal woman she would have been pregnant for sure. As a goddess they could control if they got pregnant and when. Now neither was against the idea but both wanted to wait. Percy understood that and was willing to wait as well. For the moment everyone was content and happy with life.

The three get up and got ready for the honeymoon. Percy needed to make a grand tour of the world and check on it. He figured taking his wives with him would be a good idea. Both agreed to it and looked forward to it. The only problem was it would take 3 months and Percy did not like the idea of leaving Scarlet for that long.

Scarlet convinced her daddy to go. All three of her parents wanted to take her with them but she convinced them to not do it. She told them that it was their honeymoon. She would miss them but she should not be with them. Finally Sally and Amphitrite said they would watch Scarlet. The three would be back in time for Nico's wedding since Percy was best man or god or whatever. The three got up and ready to leave. Before they left they hugged and kissed Scarlet good bye.

"I will miss you but have fun. I love all of you." Scarlet said and she received similar words from her parents. The three then flashed away on their world tour. They had a great time and got to know each other much better. They went to every single country and learn much about each of them. They really enjoyed Greece the most.

It had been three months and Scarlet was looking forward to seeing her parents once again. Sally was wondering if she would have more grandkids soon so she asked Scarlet to find out. Amphitrite wanted to know the same thing. Her other son and his wife were not ready for kids so she had to wait and she did not want to wait.

Scarlet had been doing great. She had increased her training and had gotten a lot stronger. Annabeth said that Scarlet had gotten stronger than anyone at the camp. No mortal could beat her. Her relationship with Lily was going strong. It seemed that she fell in love more and more each day.

Scarlet smelt them before she saw them she runs over to hug them and all three are more than happy to hug her back. She then heard all about the honeymoon and how much fun was had. They did not mention that they had sex a lot but she was a smart girl and she assumed it.

Meanwhile the three were getting ready for the wedding in a few days. Percy had to clam Nico down a lot. Hades found it to be amusing. Since Nico became the King of the Underworld he had taken his father's personality when it came to being not afraid of anything with the exception of Thalia. She scared him whenever he did something stupid.

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