Chapter Ten: Babysiting

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Scarlet was eating the dinner her daddy left for her. It was meat since she loved meat. It did not matter how the meat was cooked as long as she had it she was happy. It also did not matter what the meat was she was happy. Athena smiled at the girls antics Scarlet was in her wolf form eating the meat. Scarlet preferred to eat in her wolf form. She was use to it and it made more sense. Plus she felt her hands in her human form should be used to fight and hug. After she was done eating she changed back to her human form and cuddle up with Athena.

Athena was not expecting this not even in the slightest. She warped the young girl in her arms and held the girl close to her. She did not know that Scarlet was taking in her scent. Scarlet used her nose a lot. So scents could relax her or make her nervous.

"Why are you so nervous Aunty?" Scarlet asked. She asked it in the cute and innocent voice only a child could ask it in.

"I have never watched kids before. So I am scared I will mess up?" Athena said.

"I don't think you are messing up. You are very nice so I know I am safe with you. You scent tells me you are safe." Athena had one weakness will a few but learning new things was one of the biggest for her.

"So what do I smell like and are the ones that make you feel safe do they smell the same?" She asked.

"Yes for the most part they do. Daddy, you, Grandma both of my grandmas, Aunty T and Aunty Artemis all smell safe I can't describe what that smells like. As for you your scent is books, scrolls, and metal." Athena was unsure how to respond to that or how to react or what to think to be honest. However she was saved or doomed when Scarlet asked for a bed time story.

She was saved since she did not have to think on what she smelt like and she was doomed since she could not tell a story. Athena was logical so making up stories was hard for her. She could tell a story if the facts where there. It was then she got an idea she was going to tell Scarlet a story about her daddy.

"Ok since your daddy will most likely not tell you his adventures I will tell you some of them. Actually he will but he will downplay his parts in them." So Athena did and she discovered a few things which she found out when telling Scarlet. One thing was she was a great story teller. Two she was better at watching and caring for kids then she thought. She wondered what it would be like to have her own kids with Percy.

She never allowed herself to think that way before. Before she met Percy she was logical very logical to the point that it annoyed many. She was smart and knew what people needed but she was not the one you went to with emotional needs. For example if you cat was hit by a bus do not go to her she will not know how to handle the crying and emotions. However she was starting to feel different.

Artemis and Percy flashed to New York to go to a new restaurant that they heard about. It was called Ninja and it was a Japanese place. (It does exist or at least it use to not sure now anyway not the point.) It was a very nice but not too fancy restaurant. So it was great for the couple to enjoy.

Percy was curious as to why Artemis wanted to try Japanese food but he did not ask her. It was her choice and he wanted to see her smile. It was an amazing sight, seeing both Athena and Artemis smiling. Food was ordered and the couple started to talk. They found that they were very comfortable with each other.

"Sometime I am going to have to make you food which should be interesting since I am not good at it. Not even in the slightest. "

"Your daughters talk about how you cook the meat very well. So I think you are better than you think you are." Artemis smiled at that. It was a sweet compliment meant to make her feel better and it worked. Artemis did remember she was good at cooking wild animals.

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