Chapter Twelve

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The next morning Scarlet wakes up to the smell of safety and love. She is surrounded by her daddy and the two pretty ladies. She can smell love and safety form them. Everyone wakes up and has some breakfast. Artemis dismissed herself to check up on her daughters. She wanted to check on the mission she sent them on. Also something Thalia said yesterday made her curious she had to ask her daughter about it.

Artemis was going to watch Scarlet tonight when Percy went on the date with Athena. She looked forward to it. Artemis was often seen as being cold and uncaring when it came to males. That was not the case she liked little children male or female being she was the goddess of childbirth which to her was odd in so many ways. She was really unsure how that came about.

So she was good at caring for children she would often disguise herself as a nanny and take care of little children. She wondered if the story of Mary Poppins was modeled after her. She had seen the movie and many of the famous nannies traits did not match her but the coming and then going thing made sense. She would often stay for awhile and then leave when the child hit puberty. So she was better with children then Athena was however Artemis knew her sister and knew it would not be long before that changed.
Artemis sees Thalia and calls her over to talk.

"So how did the mission go? Your face says it went well but something has unnerved you." Artemis used her sweet and gentle voice. Thalia told her mom everything while wishing at the same time she had a shield that could block magic. Her shield would not work against her mother's wrath.

Artemis calmly walked to Jackie's tent. On the outside she looked to be claim and collected however her daughters all knew she was anything but. Artemis did not want to kill anyone. She did not think it was fair to kill anyone that had committed no crime.

Artemis sees Jackie for the first time. The woman was very beautiful she looks up and sees Artemis but is not scared.

"Lady Artemis I know I am to die would you please kill me now instead. I do not want to carry his child he all but raped me and told me I was the test." Artemis was furious but not at Jackie. She was also stunned. She put her hand on Jackie's shoulder.

"You are not going to die I know of a way out of this. My brother has gone too far this time. I will speak with my boyfriend and he will aid you. I am sorry you got dragged into this." Jackie wanted to know why Artemis was like this it made no sense so the mortal asked what was going on.

"A few hundred years ago I was in love with Orion. My brother tricked me into killing him and after his death I became what the myths said I was. I wanted my brother to feel the pain I felt so I set this up when I was allowed to pick his punishment. I had hoped that he would stay away from a relationship." Artemis then explained everything else to Jackie.

"I will explain to my daughters what is going on and they will shield you." Artemis called for Percy and Medusa in a flash the two appeared and Scarlet was with them. Percy looked like he was getting ready for his date with Athena.

Artemis quickly explained what was happening needless to say Percy was furious. Now thankfully Scarlet helped him to not to act on his impulse and that was to find Apollo and to kill him or hurt him badly. However he took a deep breath and listened to Artemis's plan and thoughts. At the end he was smirking an evil smirk ok not really evil but still mean.

"That is wonderful if Medusa agrees to it I am ok with it. We have a meeting in two days your brother will be dealt with then." He kissed Artemis and Scarlet goodbye and left. Scarlet wanted to stay with her auntie now.

Medusa went to speak with this young woman. Percy gave her the power to give power to anyone she deemed worthy. She had to get his approval for all that she wished to recruit. Percy gave the go ahead for Jackie. Once Jackie was told the plan she agreed and was given the power. She became the first. Percy needed to go and blow something up so he teleported to a far off place with no life around and unleashed a massive amount of lighting blots.

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