Chapter Nine

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Scarlet woke up and noticed that her daddy was not near her. She remembered falling asleep on his lap yesterday. She sees that she is on a bed and should have panicked but she could smell her daddy and she could smell the food he was making. She loved being a wolf since she could smell if her family members were nearby.

It was hard for her over the years since her mother's death. That was what she missed most about her mother besides her kind smile and eyes. She missed her mom's scent for it always relaxed her and it meant she was safe. She hoped when her daddy married she could have a mommy again. That was why she called Percy daddy since his scent made her feel safe like her father's and mother's use to.

After getting food she was told she would be staying with Aunty Thalia and Amphitrite. Scarlet was really happy to hear that she had another grandmother now. Thalia wanted to be there since she was one of the few that Scarlet trusted and liked to be honest. Plus Thalia liked the little wolf girl and enjoyed spending time with her.

Percy flashed Scarlet to a beach and waiting was Thalia and all the hunters and Amphitrite. All the hunters wanted to be with and spend time with their adopted sister. Artemis was also waiting she was dressed vary casually in long skirt and a t shirt. The skirt was brown and the t shirt was green. With a hug from his daughter Artemis and Percy flashed to pick up Athena.

After Percy and Artemis left Thalia pulled out a necklace she had kept hidden for many years. She felt it brought her luck. It had claws the claws a wolf would have. She takes it off and puts it around Scarlet's neck.

"Mom told me what Annabeth did to your mom. I am sorry to say I was with her at the time. I took your mom's claws and have used them. I think they should be given to you. Your mom's claws have brought me strength and luck." Scarlet was crying she ran and hugged Thalia.

"I am not upset that mom was killed I was upset that she died in vain at least she protected you even in death."

Athena was also wearing a long causally skirt it was gray and a t shirt that was also grey. Percy had with him a picnic basket. He took a hand form each of his girlfriends and flashed them. They were in a forest near his old apartment. The one he used to live in with his mom and Gabe.

They were in a small clearing that was surrounded on all sides by trees. In the middle of the clearing was a pond it was simple yet beautiful at the same time. Percy use to come here to relax and to get away from everything for awhile.

"I hope this spot is ok. I found it when I was younger. Whenever my step father was annoying me I would come here. I felt safe here. Plus it is just beautiful." Athena and Artemis had to agree for it was a very beautiful spot.

So Percy took out the food he had made. Athena and Artemis thanked him and commented on how good he was at cooking. Percy smiled.

"Thank you but my mom was a better cook." Now neither Artemis or Athena knew anything about Sally Jackson so they asked Percy to tell them about her.

"Well she was my rock for the longest time. I knew that no matter what at least she was there to help me. I miss her so very much but at least she is happy." He smiled and both knew that he was still hurting but both knew he would be ok in the end.

"Why not name a daughter after her?" Athena said.

"That is a good idea but I also want to name a daughter Zoe since she was a great friend. Also maybe Bianca since she was a friend as well." Percy said and it caused Artemis to smile for she could tell he was being sincere about that.

The three enjoyed their food afterwards Artemis and Athena rested their heads on his shoulder. The three just sat there talking and debating about various theories or life. After an hour had gone by a roar was heard.

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