Part 4

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"He's hiding her from me," I sneered as my beta, Jase, offered me a glass of whiskey.

"I know, boss. We both know the kind of poison Alpha Perry drivels out sadly," Jase replied as I took the glass of whiskey and continued pacing in the sitting room.

Alpha Perry had her in that very room. I smelt her scent, so I knew she hadn't been far away, if gone at all. He could have hidden her from me, and I wouldn't have even known it. It drove my wolf wild as I felt his claws want to rip this little arrogant wolf into pieces for defying me.

"I know he's giving me the run around with trying to find this female." I gritted my teeth and made my way to the couch in the centre of the Lightning Ridge quarters and slumped down near Jase. "I'm sick of waiting for something to happen."

Jase watched me quietly in my misery silently drinking down his whiskey and hopefully thinking of a new plan of attack like I was. He wasn't much of a strategist, but two heads were better than one in situations like these.

My delta Winx was sent to find out if what Perry had said bore any merit, and for some fucking reason, he's still not back yet. What's taking that wolf so long? I was starting to get to the end of my rope with all this waiting for something to happen.

"Boss, all of us know this is hard on you but we just need to wait for Winx and then we'll have answers. Don't lower yourself to Perry's level. You're a thousand times the alpha he could ever wish to be. You don't need to worry. We'll find her." Jase glanced over to gauge my reaction, and I must admit, I was slightly relieved.

"You're a good friend, Jase." I sighed heavily as I sat forward and anxiously waited for any news.

When the knock at the door finally came, I could feel my wolf almost want to leap out of my skin for any information on his mate. Winx entered the apartments that were reserved for the Lightning Ridge pack and bowed once he saw me sitting there, waiting.

"Well? What have you found out?" I tried to keep my cool, but even I could hear the sting of annoyance in my own voice.

"As you instructed, I went to check the holding cells, but I came across something interesting outside Perry's study." He looked up at me from the floor, asking silently if he should continue.

"And that was?" I prompted him.

"As I was walking towards the cells, someone opened the door to Alpha Perry's office suddenly. I managed to quickly duck into a small broom closet so I wouldn't be spotted, and that's when I saw her. Two guards were dragging a female out of the office. She had her arms tied behind her back with what appeared to be a gag stuffed in her mouth to keep her quiet. I trailed them through the pack house and to a room at the far end of the south hall. The two guards went in, but only one ended up coming out to stand guard." Winx bowed as he finished his report.

Blinding rage was all I could feel at that moment. The glass was the first thing to fly across the room and smash into pieces against the far wall.

"They gagged and tied her up!" I roared as pack members scampered away like frightened mice.

What did this pack say about abuse of power? Did they not have laws to prevent this? Knowing Perry, he would think himself above pack policy but not even I would be such a tyrant with my pack. No one should ever treat their fellow pack members in such a way.

Without a word, I marched over to the window and stood looking out over this pack. What other crimes must have Perry committed? There's obviously more to this than simply keeping me from my mate. Why would he be guarding her so closely?

The view of the city from our pack's quarters was beautiful especially now that it was night, and the flickering lights of the city could be seen from the pack house on top of the small hill. I needed to be smart in my next moves. Perry knew I wanted her, and he had her locked up tight. What should I do to get her and keep Perry away?

"Jase." I crossed my arms and thought about how we could pull all this off without endangering my mate any further.

"Yeah, boss?" He leaned forward and discarded his empty glass on the coffee table.

"I want you to go to Perry and request things for these apartments. Improvements of some sort. Keep him busy." I turned and gestured for Winx to follow.

"What should I ask for?" He chuckled.

I paused in the doorway as Winx waited for me to deal with Jase.

"Anything. Ask for an ice cream machine if you want or a flat-screen TV mounted to the wall. Just keep him occupied and away from his office. I'm going to get my luna and need Perry distracted. If one of the guards tries to locate Perry, I need him to be impossible to find. Got it?"

He smirked and rubbed his hands together, thinking of all the possibilities.

"I'll have Alpha Perry running around in circles." He grinned as he let out a deep growl of satisfaction.

"Good. Winx and I are heading to the room in the south hall, so do everything you can to keep Perry away from there."

"Yeah, boss. I'll enjoy keeping him busy." He grinned.

I nodded as my mouth twitched up at his grin.

"One more thing," I pointed out.


"Piss him off for me." I grinned.

"Who wants a new TV in their room?"  Jase bowed and turned back into the pack apartments to gather up some of the other wolves.

That's Jase for you. Alwayspushing above and beyond the limits.

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