Part 22

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Last night, I was so tired that I was out cold as soon as my head hit the pillow. After having breakfast with Willow and some of the other females of the Lightning Ridge pack, I came down to see Head Alpha. The two guards from yesterday had been replaced with fresh ones, and Willow had gone off to find out about Head Alpha's condition.

Head Luna was meant to be arriving today, and all I could think about was the chewing out I was going to receive from her. She asked to speak to both me and Willow privately for some reason, but I could already guess why. One comment about how I was to blame for all this would shatter me. Normally, if I got hurt from doing something stupid, other pack members's comments were like water off a duck's back to me. This was the total opposite.

"Pearl will be arriving soon. The border guards reported they were on their way, so she'll be here in less than five." Damian stood beside me as I looked inside Head Alpha's room.

"She's going to try and kill me. If I were in her shoes, I'd be pissed off too," I muttered.

"You've clearly never met Pearl, if that's what you think." Damian smirked to try to lift my spirits, but I was drowning in guilt at this stage. "At least he's not on the ventilator today."

I looked up at Damian and just gave a small nod.

"Come here." Damian pulled me into his arms and held me as we stood there in the hall. "Nothing bad is going to happen. It wasn't your fault, sweetheart."

I clutched on to Damian's shirt as I held back the building waves of pain gripping my heart. Everyone kept telling me it wasn't my fault, but it was. It truly was. If I'd just kept my mouth shut, then this never would have happened. Head Alpha would be fine and I'd . . . I didn't know where I'd be.

"Pipe?" Willow was back with Head Alpha's chart along with Winx trailing behind her.

I wiped a stray tear from my eye and turned around.

"What's the news, Doc? Is he going to be okay?" I tried to joke.

"Do you remember that procedure I wanted to do on him? The one I told you I needed to run to make sure Head Alpha was going to be alright?" She arched a brow at me.

"Uh . . . yeah. The . . . gastro . . . glucose."

Willow shook her head.

"The camera in his gut thing." I waved off.

She smirked as she rolled her eyes at my attempt.

"An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy," she corrected.

"I meant that," I whined. "The upper . . . gastro camera thing." I tried again.

She shook her head again.

"Okay. Not all of us speak genius, Willow, so what the hell happened already?"

"Jerry performed the . . . ahem . . . upper gastrointestinal endoscopy." She paused as she stared at me. "You got it?" she teased me.

"Yes," I droned.

"The procedure found no severe bleeding and residue from the charcoal mixture we inserted into his stomach. They were successful in removing any harmful chemicals left behind and are monitoring his recovery closely." Willow flicked the chart closed and gave me a big smile.

"You're amazing, Willow." I smiled at her.

"I know." She beamed at me.

Her cocky attitude made me crack a smile as she flicked her hair over her shoulder.

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