Part 14

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All three of us shifted and saw the large vending machine that's scrapped across the floor and hit the opposite wall. I set up a group of pack members at the entrance and closed the doors again. Winx and Jase moved the vending machine back in front of the doors to barricade my little fox inside. Her strategy was now being used against her.

I delegated Winx to take the office as Jase was to scout the gymnasium. If it was all clear, then Jase and I would proceed towards the locker room and pool area.

As hard as I tried, I was still unable to locate Piper because of the bleach burning the air inside the gym. Gradually, Jase and I made it all the way through the gym and towards the changing rooms. For a gym, this place was quite cold, but I kept my mind focused and approached the changing rooms. Jase entered the male's locker room but quickly exited, shaking his head. I moved quickly into the female's and find the same—empty.

Next, the two of us moved to the pool and scanned the area. No movement at all. She was a clever little fox to be able to hide so easily from an alpha and a beta. Nevertheless, she had to be here. Piper knew this place like the back of her paw. She knew every hiding spot and clearly used it to her advantage.

I directed Jase to the opposite side of the pool where a large wooden door was cracked open. Something told me that Piper wouldn't be in there. Leaving a door open was way too sloppy for her. She planned everything. The bleach. The barricade. Even knowing to quickly lock the backdoor that she would usually keep open. Piper could think on the fly and come up with a solid defence quickly.

Jase took point and opened the door. It was just a janitor's closet filled with cleaning products and nothing more. Didn't think so.

"Boss, is it cold to you or is it just me not going to the gym in forever?" Jase piped up as he rubbed his hands over his arms.

"It is cold." I kept straight to the point and kept looking for another possibility.

What is that? I moved around to the side of the pool and noticed a six-foot-tall ladder laying on its side at the bottom.

"The fuck?" Jase frowned.

"Indeed?" I frowned as I felt freezing cold air coming from directly above us.

Why was the air-conditioning on so cold? I looked up to see the air-conditioning ducts that spread like tunnels along the ceiling. Right above where Jase and I were standing was a metal hatch that seemed to be closed.

I was quick to put the pieces together and smirked at Jase who seemed completely confused.

"Over here!" Winx called out. I made Jase stay exactly where he was. Granted he took a few steps back to be out from under the cold air but he did stay put.

I found Winx on the computer in the main office and noticed the air-conditioning controls on the wall. I flicked both the cool as well as the fan off but noticed the little screen flash, telling me it will shut off in one minute's time. It must be a big system to need time to turn itself off. That or it's old.

"What is it, Winx?" I walked over to Winx and glanced at the computer screen.

"Our luna seems to be a regular here, boss. Look at this. There is a file full of her data." He opened multiple documents on the screen.

"Print everything out, then delete any information on the server including security cameras that contain her or us," I instructed.

He nodded.

As I passed by the air-conditioning, I noted there's less than thirty seconds till the system shut down entirely. Jase and I were just cold, but Piper must be frozen by now.

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