Part 17

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"We're back!" Winx called out as he dragged in loads of shopping bags and dumped them on the floor next to where I was sitting.

I picked up the TV remote and switched it off as I spotted Willow making her way inside behind him and shut the door.

"How did everything go? Were you able to get everything for Piper, Willow?" I asked as she came over and sat down on the opposite couch.

"I managed to get everything on the list Jase texted me, but I also got her some make up and stuff that I think she would like." She smiled sweetly and took out the credit card from her bag. "Thank you for letting me use your card. I hope you don't mind but Winx insisted I buy a dress and shoes for tonight also."

"I told you already," Winx sighed as he sat down on the couch next to her. "Boss told me and Jase to make sure you also had something for tonight. It's no big deal."

"Is that true?" Willow glanced nervously at me.

"I wanted to make sure you had something nice for this evening. I want you next to Piper tonight and I wasn't going to have you go shopping without getting yourself something. You're Piper's best friend and that puts you under our protection, so I don't want to hear another word on this." I smirked and arched my brow at her.

She nodded and fidgeted. She's clearly uncomfortable about the shopping trip, but if she was going to come back to our pack with Piper, then I'd make sure that she's taken care of.

"Alpha? May I see her?" Willow looked up at me from her hands, but I shook my head.

"Not right now. She's taking a nap before dinner tonight, but I've arranged for you to sit next to her so you two can catch up." I gave her one of my genuine smiles. She nodded happily.

"Thank you . . . for everything." She slightly looked sad.

"What do you mean?" I tilted my head and watched Winx shift in his seat.

"I mean, thank you for giving Piper a safe haven," she explained.

"I think you're the one I should be thanking, Willow. You gave her a place to go whenever she was in trouble. I'm truly grateful for what you've done for her."

Speaking of being grateful, where was Jase?

"I noticed Jase wasn't with you when you came back. Do you know where he is?" I asked and watched the two of them exchange a glance.

"He was being a pain, and we sent him back to the pack house ages ago," Winx clarified. "Is he still not back yet?"

I frowned and decided to mind-link him. He better have gotten that gift.


"Yeah, boss?"

At least he responded, so it must mean he's not getting pissed somewhere.

"Where are you? Did you get the gift I ordered you to get?"

"In the kitchen and I got it in my hand as we speak."

I bet five bucks he followed a female there.

"I need you to get your tail back to the pack apartments. I need the gift ASAP."

"Fine," he grumbled and cut off the link.

I rolled my eyes and looked over to Willow and Winx waiting for me to tell them where Jase ran off to.

"He was in the kitchen." I shook my head and watched Winx roll his eyes.

"If he's hungry, I could cook him something for when he gets back?" Willow offered but she didn't understand Jase the way Winx and I did.

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