Part 19

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"Dinner is served," Alpha Fray announced. I felt a wave of unease when I locked eyes with Perry standing right next to him.

His eyes glared at me from across the room as I felt that same shock of dread I always felt whenever I was near him. That was till I felt Damian take a step closer to me to block me from his view and direct Perry's attention on to him instead of the bite mark on my neck. For the first time, I felt what it was like to have someone step up and protect me instead of having to fight my own battles.

Head Alpha eyed me as my grip tightened on Damian's arm. I just hope this trembling wasn't visible to him.

"Let's go take our seats. I'm sure the chef has cooked us a dinner to remember." Head Alpha tried to lighten the situation.

"We'll be right there." Damian nodded but I was too busy gripping his arm for dear life to pay any mind.

Come on, Piper. It's just Perry. You've dealt with him for years. Nothing's wrong, I tried to reassure myself as I loosened my death grip on Damian's arm.

"Sorry." I attempted to smooth out the small creases I made and used one of my shaky hands to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

I could feel Damian eye me as I tried to make a break for our seats near Head Alpha to try and calm down on my own.

"Stop." His voice dropped as he brought me closer to him. "Look at me."

My eyes darted around the room as I pushed against him to try and keep pack members from staring at the two of us.

"I can feel you shaking, Piper." He tilted my head up to look at him. "He can't touch you anymore. I won't allow it," he whispered to keep others from hearing.

My breath caught in my throat as I stared up at him, trying to figure out if what he told me was really true. This was Perry we're talking about; the psychotic cretin who had this sick and twisted fetish about trying to wedge me into a relationship with his kid. Did Damian really think this freak didn't have a backup plan?

"We should sit down." I squeezed the words out over the rock jammed in my throat and stepped out of Damian's touch.

Everything inside me screamed at me to believe him, but the logical side of me that kept me from breaking my neck was the side I was on. I turned to start making my way to our seats when I felt Damian's hand settle in mine as we walked.

Everyone was still paying close attention to the two of us even after we took our seats next to Head Alpha. Damian was to Head Alpha's left and I was next to Damian, bored out of my mind. I felt like a pup being stuck sitting quietly at the adult's table. Any minute now and I'd be scolded for spilling a drink or casually and accidentally setting a place card on fire.

It only happened once but that was enough to keep me from touching anything but a knife and fork for the rest of my life.

"Are you alright?" Damian bent over and whispered in my ear.

"Just wish I had someone to talk to." I shrugged as I looked at the place card with my name written in gold filagree.

"I think you'll get to talk to someone quite soon, sweetheart. Look." He nodded towards the entrance.

My jaw dropped when I saw my one and only bestie dressed like a sexy queen walking over to where I was sitting. She looked stunning in her crimson-red satin dress, and she knew it too. The halter neck style wasn't one I'd seen her in before, but she was rocking that colour as Winx escorted her over to sit down next to me.

I think my mouth must have still been on the floor because she smirked at me as she sat down.

"Hi, Pipe." She smiled at me as I gaped at her.

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