Part 5

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At last, nighttime finally came, but this persistent guard slumped over my couch was still flicking through his phone. Whoever said these things weren't addictive didn't think about the poor female wolf chained to her cell mate that was waiting for him to go to sleep.

My back was still facing the guard when I remained as still as possible to convince this guy I'd finally fallen asleep. It's not easy with my escape history and how cautious the guards were around me these days, but a telltale click of his phone shutting off and the dim light dispersing from behind me were clue enough. I wanted to move but I knew better than to act rash and leap out of bed. I had to wait. It surprisingly didn't take long for his breathing to finally even out to the point that he started snoring. He did have a long day crushing me to the pavement after all.

Slowly, I sat up from my bed to avoid any squeaks from my mattress and looked over my shoulder to the guy now drooling on one of my couch cushions. That was gross, but I shoved it to the back of my mind and got on with my escape plan. That's if you could call flying by the seat of one's pants a proper plan.

I was like a deadly assassin stalking through the night as I quietly watched my footing with the chain and crawled over to the couch to search him. Alpha Perry might be a fan of me wearing this heavy ankle bracelet of his, but I didn't accept gifts from old decerped males.

My eyes scanned over the guard, looking for the key to my freedom. I spotted the utility belt that all guards were required to carry, and I should point out the monumental upgrades I had contributed to over the years. They should have named a taser after me or something for all the training I'd given them.

I rubbed the burn on my skin where this guy gave me an electric hickey from his taser and spotted the very one snapped in its little leather holster. I wasn't saying I was petty, but I did believe in karma biting wolves in the arse, and if the universe was going to hand me the opportunity, then who was I to say no?

Ever so slowly, I unclipped the brass button holding it secured and slid it off the male's belt. My eyes widened when he shifted slightly in his sleep, but once he settled, I kept searching for that stupid key. Could it be that the other guy had it and he was simply stuck in here to act as my anchor? No. Perry's guards weren't known for thinking outside the box, so I knew it's got to be on him. It took me a few more minutes before I finally found the top of the key poking out of his jeans pocket.

Bugger. If I grabbed the key, he could wake up and that would be like tossing my freedom out the window for these losers, not to mention if the guard out in the hall heard anything from inside, he would barge in and kick the crap out of me. I needed to keep this dude quiet. I looked around my room for something to help but nothing would do the job. I quickly looked under my couch for anything, and as luck would have it, I spotted the leather gag they used on me. My face-splitting smile grew when I held both the gag and the taser in my hand. I would need to time this just right to make sure the guard outside didn't hear anything, but there's no way I would fuck this up. Payback's a bitch, my dude.

I ended up having to lift the heavy arse chain so that it didn't scrape across the floorboards and awaken my captor but made it successfully to the end of the couch where my victim lay ignorant of my intent. As I sat up on my ankles and looked down at him, I felt like one of those insane doctors out of a black-and-white film ready to electrocute my victim and scream "it's alive" at the end. All I was missing was the white lab coat and the cliché thunderstorm raging outside my bedroom window.

I manoeuvred the gag slightly over the guy's mouth, and after a deep breath in and out, I pounced. He jolted awake momentarily to find the gag in his mouth, preventing him from making any noise as I flipped the taser in my hand and smashed it down hard against his neck. Within less than a second, he was out cold. I snatched the key from his pocket to unlatch myself.

I had no time to lose as I crawled over to my windowsill and lifted the wooden lid. I quickly grabbed a prepacked bag full of things I needed for a night in the woods and the spare rope to help me climb down from my window. Stuffing everything in my bag, I snatched a fluffy waterproof jacket from my closet and began to panic when I heard voices outside my door.

The distance from my window to the ground wasn't substantial, but I knew from training with Levi that if you landed wrong, you could seriously hurt yourself. Moving to the window, I perched out on the edge with my feet on the windowsill and looked out into the gardens at the back of the pack house. Before I could hesitate, I flung myself out of the two-story window and out into the courtyard, landing on the grass and breaking into a roll. I already knew how to get out of the pack house without detection, but I had a sneaking suspicion that Alpha Perry had increased the security since he found me. Unfortunately, he's not as stupid as some of the guards were, but I had my speed that I could fall back on if anything went wrong.

The door that led to the kitchen was unlocked. I managed to sneak through and stuff a few bread rolls and a banana into my bag on my way through. I needed to be quick. They would be out looking for me in no time, and I needed to be long gone before then.

Slowly, I crept into the dining room and felt a small chill as I made my way to the door that led to the entrance hall. With the door cracked open just a hair, I could see that there was no one out and about. The lights were still on like always but it was void of any sounds of life from a pack member or a guard. It's surprising considering the summit's on, but then again, the packs were probably tired from having to travel such a vast distance.

I slowly opened the door more and casually walk out like I was just another pack member and not under lock and key. Not in trouble with Perry. Just a normal female trying to get the fuck out of here. I flicked my hood up and started to make my way to the front doors when I heard someone call out from behind me.


I panicked and started quickening my pace to get away.

"Pack member! It's past curfew! You should be in your pack's quarters."

I felt a hand grip my shoulder and forced me to turn around to face him. My hood flicked down, revealing my red hair. The wolf's eyes widened in rage when he saw me.

"You!" he snarled.

Shit! He's the other guard that kept watch outside of my room. Yanking my shoulder out of his grip, I dashed away from him and towards the front doors and out onto the street, ignoring the shouting and drama erupting behind me. I wasn't about to stop and stare; instead, I leapt over the railing left from the parade. I could quickly slip into the woods, but they would be able to track me easily. I needed to get to the other side of the city where the trees were denser and the forest was darker. I ran as hard as I could and felt my wolf pushing me faster as I raced through the streets. I knew I was being chased, but there was no way they'd catch me.

Seconds later, I saw the woods before me and shifted quickly, diving into them. I ran fast, ducked, and weaved through logs and branches till I climbed the tallest tree I could find. I was safe. I was out of that hell and I was free.

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