Part 15

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It was a long walk back to Perry's pack house. It might have been short but, for me, it was like being dragged back to the gallows after escaping again. Damian and I didn't utter two words to one another as we passed through the busy streets of the pack. I only tried to start a conversation with him briefly about a necklace I wanted to get Willow, but when he gave no response, I decided to just keep quiet.

The hardest part wasn't the talking even though that gave me more of an insight into my upcoming future than I wanted to acknowledge at the moment; it was walking up the small hill to Perry's pack house. That made me halt on the spot as I looked up at the beautiful house that had been my prison for so many years. To any other pack member, it was a picture of beauty. It was built of light sandstone in a traditional English-manor style with manicured gardens that blossomed under the care of the wolves that lived inside. For me, it was the prison that caged my soul.

Damian's hold around my waist tightened as we walked inside and down the long hallway to the Lightning Ridge pack apartments. I gripped his shirt and turned my head towards his chest as three of Perry's guards eyed me closely while we walked past. I reverted to my normal unaffected persona but felt it crack as I was finally taken inside the pack's apartments.

Everyone was quick to scatter about the living room and turn on the TVs that hung from the walls. There was even a pinball machine some of the males took to as the females seemed to congregate around the kitchen counter, talking about the run, then there was me—the new wolf and outsider of the pack that stood at the entrance and kept to herself.

Damian had released me as soon as I entered and shut the door behind all of us. I didn't pay much attention to his beta and delta that were going on about Perry but overheard most of their conversation.

"Hey, boss! Did you see the look on Alpha Perry's face?" Beta Jase piped up with a snicker.

"We all did! It looked as if he was going to shit a brick," the other one replied as Damian walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Come with me, little fox," Damian quietly mumbled over my shoulder as the other two continued to reminisce about the events of today.

I gave him a small nod and let him take my hand as he led me across the room to the stairs.

"Taking her to bed, boss?" Jase called out and laughed.

I glared back at him, but Damian didn't even seem fazed by it at all.

"Fuck off, Jase!" Damian shouted back to shut him up.

As we walked hand in hand through the crowd of pack members, I noticed how they would bow their heads to show respect as they kept on with their conversations. It wasn't anything like what Perry expected. Damian seemed fine with his pack members nodding to him whereas Perry would have a full-on fit if anyone of his pack members didn't stop immediately what they were doing and bow to him. I guess that was just his small dick energy he tried to compensate for.

When Damian and I got to the second level of the apartments, we turned left and passed a door before stopping outside the next.

"This will be home for now." Damian shrugged as he opened the door.

Damian's hand rested on the small of my back as I entered what must be his bedroom here for the summit. It was beautiful and felt ten times larger than that shoe box of a room I was given to live in. I guess alphas really did have the best of everything.

As I looked around the room, Damian stood there rubbing the back of his neck, not knowing what to say.

"It's beautiful." I gave him a small smile as he nodded in agreement. "It's bigger than any place I've ever stayed." I chuckled and walked further into the room.

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