Part 23

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Damian and I left Pearl inside with Willow and Winx because she asked to speak with us one at a time. I didn't know why Winx stayed behind, but I assumed that Damian must have assigned him to watch over Willow because Perry was still a sneaky mutt. All of us knew he would do anything to hurt me, so it wasn't a stretch to think he would come after Willow.

We waited in the hall as Pearl chatted with Willow. Winx brought in another chair so that both Willow and Pearl could sit down as they spoke. Then there was me, outside and standing next to my mate as I tried to prepare myself for a tongue lashing from Head Luna.

"Would you settle down?" Damian scolded me. "She's not going to do anything. I promise."

I fidgeted with my necklace as we waited.

"I feel like I've been called into the principal's office," I murmured and glanced over at the two guards posted at the door.

"Now you're just being ridiculous." He glanced down at me and turned to lean against the wall. "Pearl doesn't bite at all. I don't even think I've ever seen her lose her temper."

My eyes fell on Pearl sitting inside while holding Head Alpha's hand. She was smiling at Willow till our eyes locked, and she waved for me to come back inside. I froze and felt Damian's arm wrap around me. I whined out loud as he slowly turned me around and pushed me inside.

"Do I have to?" I whispered.

"Yes. Now, stop whining." He smacked me on my butt as we walked inside.

"Pearl!" Damian beamed at Head Luna as we walked inside.

I managed to sneak out before making any introductions the first time, but now, Damian had me front and centre so there was no avoiding it. I plastered on a fake smile as she stood up from her seat and made her way over to give Damian a big hug.

"Damian!" she gushed. "It's so good to see you." She pulled back, and I panicked for a moment when she turned to me. "Who might this be? Is this your mate, Damian?"

Just keep smiling, Piper. A smile is better than looking like a deer caught in the headlight. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

"She is." He winked at me. "Pearl." Damian moved behind me and gently pushed me forward. "This is Piper. Piper, meet Pearl, Head Alpha's mate and wife."

"It's so nice to meet you, Piper. Winx told me you already had Damian on a tight leash." She threaded her arm with mine and winked at Damian.

What! Since when? I looked over my shoulder at Damian who smacked Winx upside the head. Willow scolded the two of them as she stood up from her chair and made her way over to Pearl.

"I'll be taking that one with me now so you can talk privately." She nodded towards Winx who was rubbing the back of his head. "Please feel free to call me if you need anything, Pearl. You've got my number."

"Thank you, my dear, and you keep yourself safe too. Perry might be in the cells but that little runt of a male should be hanged for what he did," she growled.

Hanged? What was this the wild west? No one hanged anyone anymore.

Willow bowed to Pearl and grabbed Winx by the front of his shirt on the way out. I couldn't help but smirk at Willow. It was nice to see her shoving someone around other than me for a change.

"Take a seat, Piper." Head Alpha gestured to the chair Willow vacated as Pearl sat in the other. I glanced towards Damian who just tilted his head at me.

The sneaky prick was leaning near the door on purpose to block off my exit. He also knew that I knew, and that made him smile. It must be the alpha in him that always had him thinking three steps ahead.

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