Part 18

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"Shit!" I jumped out of my skin as blaring noise woke me.

Talk about scaring the hell out of me. I looked around for the culprit of the noise and found a black phone screaming at me to wake up. I snatched the little noisemaker up, turned off the screeching tone, and tossed it back on the bedside table.

"I don't want to get up," I grumbled and yanked the sheets back up over my head.

I felt like I was hit by a truck or something. After all, it's not like I've been chased and dragged around all day by male alphas. Oh wait, that's exactly what's been happening. Can't a female just catch a break?

That stupid phone buzzed alive again not two seconds later and I was ready to toss it out the window. I sat up and dragged off the sheets, ready to toss the thing when I noticed something. Bags? Shopping bags?

At the edge of the bed sat a chair piled high with bags from all sorts of designer brands from town. When did they get there? Did Damian have them sent here or something? Yeah, it would have been him. He would have screamed if any other male had given me anything nice.

Males. I shook my head and dropped the iPhone on the bed.

It didn't take a genius to figure out who the real mastermind behind the clothes were, not to mention the makeup and underwear. Willow knew everything about me, and the fact that my mate and bestie conspired to capture me was enough to put the pieces together. Damian obviously called Willow probably freaking out because we had dinner this evening and he knew jack shit about my style or sizes.

Willow must have been like a white knight for him. The little weasel. I was so going to get her back for playing matchmaker with my mate. Let's see how she'd like it when I get that stray cat that's been hanging around her veggie patch to pee all over her herbs. She'd kill me but it would be worth it.

With all the bags in hand, I decided I needed a shower before I tried on my new fancy pants clothes. I dropped the dress bag on the bed and ransacked the others for some clean underwear. I made sure to take my time in the shower and even give my hair a quick wash to ditch that bad bleach smell that could make any sissy wolf heel. I dried and styled my hair to just be loose curls as I slipped on my clean silk underwear and grabbed my dress.

The dress that Willow clearly picked out was exactly something I'd wear. Willow just had it down to high fashion way more than me, but she could always turn me into a stylish bomb shell with a flick of her wrist. She just had that mojo. It was like having a fairy godmother on speed dial, and every female needed one.

First off, I was surprised it wasn't actually green this time. For some strange-arse reason, Willow always dressed me in any shade of green she could get her hands on, so an electric blue dress was a bit of a shock. A good shock but still a shock.

Electric blue turned out to be my new favourite colour as I wiggled into my dress that hugged my curves and pushed my tits up to the point they were ready to pop out and say, "Hi sexy." My arse looked two sizes bigger than from what I remembered, and my tiny little waist gave me an hourglass figure that would make me the picture of any male's wet dream.

"Damn!" I twirled in front of the mirror. "Damian's going to have a heart attack in his dick when he sees this." I smirked and reached around to grab the zipper. "Uh-oh."

Now, when I say I had to do yoga positions to try and get this bitch of a zipper only halfway up, the struggle was real.

"Come on, you bitch." I gritted my teeth but gave up and tossed my hair out of my face. "Shit," I huffed.

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