Part 8

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"Will this day never end?" I muttered to myself as I gazed around the room at the other alphas and betas.

I was beyond irritated at this stage. Jase was being the perfect beta by taking notes of everything that's being discussed while I was the one daydreaming about my mate. I couldn't stop myself from wondering where she could be. Since this morning, all the alphas and betas, including Perry, have been confined to this damn meeting hall and we were only given half an hour for lunch.

My eyes fell on the clock slowly ticking away on the wall. 4:39PM. Not long now. Only half an hour left, and we can finally leave this unbearable room.

Many of the alphas have discussed management of cities, adjusting strict policies concerning all wolves, and making it mandatory that all rogues that are caught on an alpha's land must be brought to the capital for judgement. So far, absolutely nothing has applied to me or my pack. Jase could have come all on his own, and we wouldn't have missed a thing.

I needed to stay focused on the meeting but a continued stream of boring lectures wasn't exactly what I would call a decent distraction. Without even trying, I was thinking of her. Of how her hair fell when her hood dropped down last night, how her beautiful burnt red hair looked like fire as she ran at that incredible speed. Even now, when I closed my eyes, I could see her.

"Alpha Damian?" A voice yanked me out from my daydream.

"What is it?" I opened my eyes and glanced over at the speaker who turned out to be that little shit Perry.

"Do you have anything to report?" He smiled towards me.

Didn't this guy have quite the talent at masking his personality so easily? Whatever. I shook it off. Shoving my chair back, Jase handed me the information for our new training scheme, and I made my way up to the podium.

"As you know, the Lightning Ridge pack oversees all military and innovative advancement technologies in the western region. I, along with several of my instructors, have collaborated with other packs to provide an ultimate training program. This program will be held yearly at the Lightning Ridge pack as well as take place at other locations for specific tactical training in all elements. We advise that all betas from each pack participate in this new program to strengthen their leadership and improve their fighting techniques as both wolf and human. Each pack will submit ten of their own members to complete the program before sending their betas. Arrangements will be made so that contact with loved ones are available at each of these training camps. Beta Jase will be waiting outside with a pamphlet on our program, and if you have any other questions, you can visit our pack's website or contact me directly. Thank you."

Three of the alphas applauded as I made my way back to my seat.

"Thank you, Alpha Damian." Perry smugly watched me and resumed his position behind the podium.

A part of me wanted to leap up from my chair and smash his shit-eating face into the podium, but there would be retaliation from the other alphas if I behaved in such a reckless manner. I knew what he was doing, but I needed proof more than I needed to kick the shit out of him.

*           *           *

Four more alphas spoke before we were finally released. I didn't need to tell Jase where I was going. I was sure he already knew just by how quickly I got up from my seat. I knew I could leave him here to handle everything, and Winx was still at the pack's quarters keeping an eye on everyone. This was my chance to try and find her.

I decided to slip out into city and make my way to the edge of the forest where I saw her slip away from me the night before. Lingering on some of the trees was a very faint smell that sent my wolf howling with heated breath. Nothing was going to stop me from finding her.

I took off in a jog, letting my nose guide me in whatever direction she must have gone. Forward, then backtracking, then evasive manoeuvres that would confuse an inexperienced tracker. She was clever.

I froze momentarily when I heard footsteps walking through the deep woods. They're close. Less than a mile to the east. My wolf wanted to race towards the sound, but I stopped him. Running was her reaction if she heard anything she considered to be a threat. I needed to be cautious.

Shifting into my wolf gave me the advantage I needed if my mate were to run again. She had the upper hand on speed, but if I was able to get close enough to her, I could pin her down so she couldn't escape. I was slow as I came to a clearing. Keeping to the tree line allowed me to see and hear everything without giving away my position. Twigs snapped to my left as I looked out into the clearing. There was a female there. Was that her? She was near the tree line holding a wicker basket in one hand as she was kneeling at the base of a tree. Her white hoodie kept her hair concealed as I stepped out into the clearing to make myself known. She turned her head towards me and shifted into her wolf form, but the brown fur with specks of blonde told me it wasn't my mate.

I shifted back to my human form with the girl following my lead. This female wasn't my mate but that didn't change the fact that she was covered in her scent.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

How was it that this female smelt so strongly of my mate? She must have been in recent contact with her, but that wouldn't explain why the scent of my mate was clinging to her so strongly.

"I'm Willow, my alpha." She bowed quickly as I crossed the clearing towards her.

"How have you come to smell like my mate?" I growled at her and crossed my arms.

She better answer me for I was in no mood to play games.

"Who is your mate, Alpha? Is it someone in my pack, maybe?" The girl stood but kept her eyes lowered.

It was obvious she was frightened, but I needed her to speak clearly if I was going to get any information from her.

"She has burnt red hair, about your height, and is a skilled runner. Even I hadn't been able to catch the little spitfire."

The colour drained from her face as I gave her my mate's description. This female knew exactly who I was speaking of.

"I . . . umm," she stumbled.

"If you know of her, I suggest you take me to her at once, pup. I won't let anything or anyone stand in my way." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I-I don't know where she is right now," she stuttered. "She went back to my house a while ago. She still might be there, but I don't know where she could be now. Piper's not exactly known for staying in one place for long." She rushed the words out of her mouth.

"Her name's Piper?"

She nodded.

"Take me to your house this instant." I kept my tone low, but I needed to find her as soon as possible. I couldn't risk that sleazebag Perry getting his hands on her again.

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