Discord in Clothes pt 2

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An: This take place a few hours after the first part.

2 hours later.

After returning from the break everyone return to their seats.

Me: "Okay so here the short version of what happened: Hatred rage against Amara Elymas cause his first attempt of becoming the first Anti Author which was incomplete as he doesn't have access nor the power of a writer thus lead to what we witnessed" I said which surprised a lot.

Sci Twi: "if so then why did that suddenly happen?" She ask.

Hatred: "Basically I have absorbed small amount of writers energy without them knowing however William energy is pure and massive" he said.

Me: "Yes well let start the second song" I said.

The memory reveal the same theater but the difference is that Hatred is wearing a leather jacket. And the background band are monsters with instruments yet two of the monsters are human. Once the music begin a holographic screen which have Union, corrupt Gods and readers.

Everyone, who ain't from Union, glare at Union and gods.

Zeus (Disney): "Remind me to zap my two corrupt version selves" he whispered to his wife.

Hatred: Beware, beware, be skeptical. Of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold. Deceit so natural. But a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning!



Hatred: Baa baa, black sheep, have you any soul?
No sir, by the way, what the hell are morals? Jack be nimble, Jack be quick! Jill's a little wh*re, and her alibis are dirty tricks!

Everyone can't argue with that as there a few who are a complete *ss.

The memory then reveal Amara Elymas overshadowed Union, Gods and readers.

All the characters winces at remembering the horrors he unleash.

Hatred: So could you. Tell me how you're sleeping easy. How you're only thinking of yourself. Show me how you justify. Telling all your lies like second nature. Listen, mark my words, one day (one day). You will pay, you will pay. Karma's gonna come collect your debt!

Many writers and ocs can't argue with him as they saw his past.

Hatred: Aware, aware, you stalk your prey
With criminal mentality
You sink your teeth into the people you depend on
Infecting everyone, you're quite the problem
Fee-fi-fo-fum, you better run and hide
I smell the blood of a petty little coward
Jack be lethal, Jack be slick
Jill will leave you lonely, dying in a filthy ditch
So could you
Tell me how you're sleeping easy
How you're only thinking of yourself
Show me how you justify
Telling all your lies like second nature
Listen, mark my words, one day (one day)
You will pay, you will pay
Karma's gonna come collect your debt

While the characters are enjoying the music, Union and corrupt gods try to thought ways to make everyone see that they are victims.

Hatred: Maybe you'll change
Abandon all your wicked ways
Make amends and start anew again
Maybe you'll see
All the wrongs you did to me
And start all over, start all over again.

Almost everyone, except for union, look at the screen with disbelief while union and the corrupt gods think Hatred see reason.

Hatred: Who am I kidding?
Now, let's not get overzealous here
You've always been a huge piece of sh*t
If I could kill you, I would
But it's frowned upon in all fifty states
Having said that, burn in hell, yeah!

Union and the corrupt gods pale as everyone else cheer as the memory Hatred play a guitar solo for a few seconds.

Hatred: Oh, oh, oh
So tell me how you're sleeping easy
How you're only thinking of yourself
Show me how you justify
Telling all your lies like second nature
Listen, mark my words, one day (one day)
You will pay, you will pay
Karma's gonna come collect your debt
Karma's gonna come collect your debt
Karma's gonna come collect your debt!

As the music end so did the memory.

Mal (Disney): "That was wicked!" She said with many agreeing with her.

Olga Discordia: "... Can I make a request" she suddenly ask gaining everyone attention.

Me: "Um to who?" I ask.

Olga Discordia: "Why don't you and Hatred give us a performance?" She ask surprising everyone.

Me: "Um nope" I said a bit nervous.

Hatred: "What are you chicken?" He said.

Me: "... Maybe" I said.

Olga Discordia: look at me with a pout "Please?" She ask causing me to blush up a storm.

Me: "Fine but tomorrow!" I said.

Olga Discordia: smile "Can't wait~" she said giving me a wink and walk away. After she was out of the theater I pass out from a nosebleed.

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