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Everyone are completely shock at Hatred new found powers but to a few they are completely terrified.

Me: "Hatred calm down" I said but Hatred smirk caught me off guard.

Hatred: "I'm calm but now that I have gone beyond op itself I can do the one thing no writer could ever dream" he said and hold out his arm at the theater screen.

Me: pale "no!" I try to stop him but Entity appear and create a barrier that prevents any writer or being of interfering.

Entity: "Sorry Meaux but it time for the Anti League to be known" he said as Hatred fire a dark beam at the screen which lead to rifts opening throughout every omniverse

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Entity: "Sorry Meaux but it time for the Anti League to be known" he said as Hatred fire a dark beam at the screen which lead to rifts opening throughout every omniverse.

Entity: "Sorry Meaux but it time for the Anti League to be known" he said as Hatred fire a dark beam at the screen which lead to rifts opening throughout every omniverse

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Hatred: "Let the first step of the convergence begin!" He said as the rifts bring in new allies of Anti League into the Infinite Wattpad Omniverses.

Me: pale "What have you done" I said as the theater screen show every omniverse in Wattpad and each omniverse have a rift.

Entity: "To burn a nest of pest there must be multiple forces to prevent any spreading" he said as the new allies of Anti League are massive.

Throughout every writers omniverse.

Exiting the rifts are infinite forces of unknown that are targeting every unclaimed worlds.

Throughout every ocs omniverses.

Exiting the rifts are billion forces of unknown that are claiming alternative worlds of the original.

Throughout every omniverse forces of unknown are revealing the Axis Union Order corruption and purging them from the omniverses.

Back at the Omniverse Mansion.

Writer comments:

Ocs comments:

Sunset: "What the heck" she said as everyone else are shock at the infinite worlds that are infected by Axis: Union Order.

Hatred: "They will reveal themselves sooner or later but because of this they are now reveal to everyone" he said as Entity appear beside him and teleport both to the Zero Dimension.

Me: "... Sh*t" I said as everyone watch as Anti League new forces of unknown are spreading throughout Wattpad Omniverses.

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