City of Angels

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Knock Knock Knock I heard coming from the front door. Barely opening my eyes to the sunlight blinding me. Knock Knock Knock.. Ah fuck I thought to myself. I'm coming, okay, I'm coming! I yelled rolling out of my bed and stumbling to the front door. yeah? I opened the door. It was a delivery guy here's your food ma'am that'll be $43.30. What? I thought to myself. I didn't order any food I'm sorr- I was cut off by colson Yo sorry buddy here you go. He pulled out cash from his back pocket and paid the guy. I closed the door. Sorry I was taking a piss - didn't mean to wake you up he said thought you might be hungry cause I sure as fuck am he finished. Thanks. Yeah I'm starving I said. Still trying to get my mind together from everything that happened last night. We sat down at my kitchen table and devoured food. So what time does your flight leave? I asked hesitantly, taking a bite of my food. uhh like 7:30 tonight I think he said back, looking down at his plate. I couldn't really think of anything to say back, or whether or not I should bring up what he said to me after we had sex in the sprinter. I don't even know if he remembers or not. Nice, I'll drive you. I said. You're an idiot Sophia. Ha you ready for me to bounce or what he said back. No.. stop it, I nervously laughed You know what I mean, I just meant like you don't need to call a car service or anything - I got you. I explained. I'm just playin he said.  You excited to pick Sutton up tomorrow? he asked. I'm surprised he even remembered the schedule.  Yeah, I miss the little shit. I sad smiling into my fork filled eggs. You gonna miss me?  He very unexpectedly asked me, and might I add out of character for colson to ever put himself into a position to potentially be hurt by what I may say next. Are you kidding? I asked him. Nah I'm serious, you gonna miss me when I leave tonight? He asked looking at me from across the table, cheesin. I paused a moment. Of course I'm going to miss you colson I took an anxious breath. This was one of the best weekends I've ever had. I waited for his response. I meant what I said last night he said. ok so clearly he does remember, but wtf does "your mine" even mean to him, to me.. to us. Okay, and so what does that mean? I replied desperate for him to elaborate without making me ask. It means I only wanna rock with you, I don't want to fuck anyone else and I don't really want you fucking anyone else -but I mean I can't make you do shit you dont wanna do. He said. I thought you didn't date. I replied being a smart ass. I don't. He said factually. Welp, that didn't work out how I thought it would lol. So you and I will only fuck each other - but we don't "date"? I said in a confused tone. I just want you and your body all to myself - call me selfish but I realized after you made out with that chick - I don't want anybody else to have that - but that doesn't mean your like my girlfriend or whatever.  He explained. Ok I see - so let me get this right - you just want to only fuck each other, go on dates when we're in the same town, visit each other, and somehow never ever commit to anything outside of that? You know that is never going to fucking end well right? I said back to him with a more serious tone this time. Why not - we could try. He said with a calm tone, taking a bite of his butter soaked pancakes. You're weird. I laughed. So you down with it or what he asked. I was never going to fuck anyone else anyways Colson. I smiled. He smirked and hid his happiness behind another bite but I could tell that meant a lot to him. Alright, so we're cool then. He said. Cool as a cucumber. I said back. Nah you are the fucking weird one he laughed a real laugh this time. I got up from my chair on the other side of the table and walked over to him. I straddled his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck. I don't want you to go I whined. Trust, I dont want to leave. But I have a shit ton of work to do and you have Sutton coming home tomorrow. He said back. I know, just sucks. I replied. He leaned in and gave me a nice sweet kiss. So you didn't like blondie huh I joked when the kiss ended. Oh my Godddddddd he groaned throwing his head back. Just admit it, you were so jealous I said laughing you hated every second of it didn't you I smirked in his face. Nah I'm a sick fuck, I hated every second but my dick was rock hard - If you hadn't suggested going to the sprinter id of taken you right there. he smiled. Oh shut up you would not have. I said pushing myself off his lap and he slapped my ass as I walked to my bedroom. I plopped on the bed and opened up my phone for the first time since basically dinner last night before the club. I had several texts but the one that stood out was from my ex.  Fuck its happening. 

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