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We hung up the phone and I went inside to pick up my sweet boy.

"Sutton my baby!" I said as he came running towards me. My mom looking disappointed. "what ma?" I said. "Don't scare me like that again and not respond to me". She said sternly. "I'm sorry I was really tired and had a lot on my mind so I shut my phone off on the plane. It won't happen again" I apologized. "So what time do you have to drop him off tonight?" my mom asked. "7:30 like usual" I said sadly. I was bummed I didn't get to see my boy too much. Apart of me feels really bad but I'm doing this for us.

My 50/50 schedule with my ex rotates and is super confusing. 2 weeks out of the month I get Monday morning through Thursday night. He gets Thursday night to Monday morning. This was my second week with the Monday through Thursday night schedule. I hated it because I usually worked weekdays and spent most of my time in LA and  he was with my mom. But on the other rotation I get much more time with him on the weekends and I so look forward to it.  I think about Colson and the fact that he has a daughter. He's never mentioned her but he said he "felt" me when I told him I have a son with an ex at a young age. I sure don't plan on introducing my son to him any time soon-  if ever if we are just exclusively fuck buddies so it doesn't bother me that she hasn't been mentioned. 

"Come on sweets let's go have dinner at your favorite restaurant before I take you to daddies house!" I smiled at Sutton. I buckled him into his carseat when I got a text from

1 message from Beckett Dixon 

" Ugh" I thought to myself. Never good when he texts me.

Beckett: Can you drop Sutton off early at like 5?

Me: No I'm taking him to dinner at Peter piper. 

Beckett: Stella wants to have a special dinner tonight or something.. Idk posey can you just bring him please. Give me a break.

Me: No I've been out of town and haven't seen him in a while, I don't care what Stella wants. And stop calling me Posey - it's not appropriate anymore Beckett. 

Beckett: I'm never gonna hear the end of it from her.

Me: Not my problem. 

Beckett: 10-4 posey see you laters. 

He is so annoying. I drove Sutton and I to Peter piper. It was 4:30 and I cannot believe he wanted him dropped off in a half hour. He's so inappropriate with me still. He called me Posey (pronounced posie) when we were together and now he's got a Fiancé named Stella that he lives with. Actually Stella was his lovely side piece he had for a while before I found out about her when we were together shortly after our son was born. She lived in Georgia where he is from and every time he'd go visit family back home he was truly leaving to fuck Stella... and lucky me I get to face her every time I drop my kid off and she gets to be apart of my sons life for who knows how long. Probably not long if she can survive Beckett. 


"Hey baby my mama's sick again I got to go back home and help out". He said. 

"oh my god is it bad? should we all go?"

"no no it's not bad my dad just wants some help with the business while she takes a few days to go to doctors appointments - I think its better If I go alone and you stay here with the baby" he said

"I mean okay thats fine, make sure you give her our best. When do you go?"

"Tomorrow morning, probably before you wake up".

I hadn't been alone with the baby yet and I was nervous but it was his mother so what could I say. The next morning he left and we woke up. The baby slept a lot so I had more downtime than usual. I was 19 with no job. Beckett made all the money. I had dreams of modeling but Beckett was not a fan of having his "woman" photographed. When he wasn't around I'd research gigs and different managers in our area fantasizing about just doing it. I got on our home computer and pulled up what I thought was my email to see if I had any replies from modeling agencies I had hopelessly emailed. But to my surprise it was Becketts email. He must of forgotten to log out. Right at the top already opened was an email from a local resort near his hometown. I thought it was weird he would book a room and not stay at his parents so I clicked on the reservation. In it had specialized requests written in the comments section of the online reservation. 

"on the bed please put rose petals in the shape of a heart with a bottle of champagne. Please leave a note on the bottle that says 'I've missed you so much Stella - Beckett"'

What the fuck

I sat there still. no emotion on my face after reading that request. numb. 3 years of my life since I was 16 years old with this man. wasted. I left home against my mothers wishes at 17 to move in with him when he moved to Arizona, breaking her trust. I put my dreams on the back burner.  I looked over at my son sleeping peacefully. That was it. That was the moment my life changed. And boy did it change for the better. By the time Beckett got back Sutton and I were long gone. All of our shit was gone and I left a pretty little note on our bed with a bottle of champagne that said "I hope you don't miss us too much Beckett - Sophia". Within 3 weeks I was signed to a modeling agency and began booking small gigs around Arizona. 

Beckett rose hell. He was a hot headed country boy at his roots and he did not limit himself in the realm of name calling. 

"Posey you fucking bitch you better bring my son back to this goddamn house"

"I will destroy your fucking world you whore"

You know what, it doesn't matter you're nothing without me, good luck"

Those were just a few texts I received from him. Fast forward 6 years and our relationship is decent. He's still scum on the bottom of my fucking shoe but he is a great father to Sutton. and we get along better now that we don't have to speak often. only issue is he still tries to hook up and talk to me with interest which gets super fucking old. 

End of Flashback

"Mommy I'm done eating can we go now" 

"yeah sorry baby let's get your stuff and go take you to daddies" I smiled. 

Text to Beckett Dixon

Me: we're out front.

I saw Beckett standing at the front door waiting. I grabbed Sutton and his things. 

"Daddy!" Sutton yelled

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"Daddy!" Sutton yelled. 

"Hey buddy how's my guy?"

"Good we went to Peter piper, can I go say hi to Stella now" he asked.

"Go right on in buddy" he guided Sutton inside.

I started to walk away. 

"How are things Posey?" he said.

I turned around.

"Beckett- stop calling me Posey, how would Stella feel about that?"

"She has no idea that's what I used to call you behind closed doors sweetheart" he said

"you're gross". 

I got in my car.

"yeah yeah, I'll see you Monday!" He yelled as I drove off. 

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