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I woke up at the crack of fucking dawn. Ready to get the hell out of here. I slowly moved out of the bed still dressed in my outfit from the night before, hair and makeup a mess. Colson was dead asleep next to me. I rolled my eyes and tried to find my shoes and purse. "Where the fuck are they" I whispered to myself. I quietly walked downstairs and into the kitchen where I remembered last having them. "There they are" I said quietly slipping on my shoes. "You're leaving so soon? - its super early" I heard someone say. I turned around and it was Rook. "Oh hey Rook - good morning, yeah I have a flight to catch later and I need to shower" I said smiling trying to avoid awkward topic of conversation. "Is kells finally asleep?" He asked. "Yeah I mean he was asleep when I got up, did he just go to bed?" I asked. "yeah like maybe a half hour ago" he said. I nodded. "Well, I better get going so I'll see you around" I gave him a quick side hug. "I'll let him know you left when he gets up" he said as I was walking away. "no need - I'm sure he'll get the message- bye rook!" I smiled and walked out of the door and into the driveway. Got in the car and headed back to the Airbnb. I needed a shower to get the smell of weed, alcohol and Colson off of me and a fat breakfast ASAP. 

After eating a huge breakfast burrito and washing all of the regret off my body.. it was now about 1pm and my flight leaves at 6 tonight. Mia wants to go shopping at some of the places we aren't able to shop at in our home towns. So we decided to go to the grove near West Hollywood.. where I just fucking came from but I decided to let Mia have this one. "I miss my son" I thought to myself. We grabbed a few things from different stores. I got Sutton a couple things and my mom a little something just to say thank you. We decided to grab cold stone on our way out. Checking out a girl probably around my age came up to me. "Excuse me.. are you Sophia Nyx?" she asked. "yeah... why what's up?" I tried to ask as nicely as one could. "Sorry I was just wondering if I could take a picture with you... you're MGK's girlfriend right?" she said. what the fuck. what am I supposed to say to that? and really... years of hard work in modeling for someone to recognize me as MGKs girl. I cant with today. but being the people pleaser I am I agreed. "Yeah sure we can take a picture! But just so you know I'm not dating Colson". I said. "Oh really? we just assumed because of the photos of you guys out for food a couple times." she said. "We?" I asked. "yeah like his fans haha". fuck. I smiled for the picture and we left. 

Mia talked my ear off the whole car ride about what just happened. I was just ready to get away from everything and go home to my kid and my own bed. 

It was like 3:45 and I'm finished packing up my bags. I went with Mia to return her rental car and called and uber to LAX from there. "I'll see you on the flip side girl". Mia and I hugged goodbye as my uber pulled up. I arrived at LAX  bags in hand ready to knock the hell out on this flight. Boarding and ready to go home. 


5:18pm Text From: Colson Baker

Colson: Man, I fucked up. 

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