Is this a joke?

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"Is this some kind of sick joke!?" I thought to myself. Theres just no way. No way I was talking to thee literal Machine Gun Kelly. Why didn't I realize that was him? I mean I'm not some obsessed freak but I knew what MGK looked like for fucks sake. This has to be a joke.. maybe he's a look alike who likes to fuck with girls.. who knows but there has to be an explanation. He was so nice to me - ME! the most random ass awkward girl at the party who literally left in an hour. He was really nice though.. and funny. This cannot be happeni--


"Hope you got back to your place alright. Have fun waking up early lol". 

Holy shit he texted me. he actually fucking texted me! What should I say back - Play it cool 

"Colson?" I Replied 

Colson : Should it be someone else? ha

Me: No! I was just confirming lol. I made it home, probs gonna die tomorrow morning.

Colson: What exactly are you doing in the morning? 

Me: I've just got a call back for an ad campaign. So just getting all dolled up and shooting some shots and a few scenes. Then I fly back to Phoenix tomorrow night - late. 

Colson: Damn already? I was hoping I could see you again. 

Me: Well my flight doesn't leave until like midnight tomorrow night.. unless you're busy.

Colson: I can move some things around. Can you do dinner at like 7? 

Me: Yeah that'd be great, you'll have to show me what L.A has to offer as far as food goes lol

Colson: Bet. Be careful what you wish for! I'll hit you up tomorrow with details. 

Me: Sounds good. Night! 

Colson: Night :)

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