Part 3: just another day

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Date: February 16th 2022 today is a Wednesday

7:00 - 7:40 am : you know the drill. woke up, got dressed, clean my snake bites. But today was a little different. last night I had roast and I thought it was stuck in my teeth and so I was picking at it and a piece fell out, ( It was two am and I was in bed) so I picked up my phone, turned on my flashlight and saw it was small and pink. it wasn't roast it was a piece of my gums in I was picking at and my finger was covered in blood. I had to try my best to leave it be and eventually went back to bed. anyways after I had left for school at 7:40

7:50-8:10 am: I arrived at school and got breakfast and sat down at the breakfast/lunch table. Ash then arrived and gave me girl scout cookies I had ordered a week prior. 9 boxes. (ash goes by they/them or he/him btw) I finish my breakfast and get to class

8:10- 9:12 am: since today is a Wednesday I get out of school early and with that I also had a essay today so I didn't daydream much. so we will just move onto second period

9:18 - 10:20 am: I got to my second period class which was fcs and had a test, so once again not much day dreaming. so we will move onto lunch

10:24- 11:22 am: so this is where I start to hate my life a little bit. Ash was a bit hyper today for they drank 2 energy drinks or something like that but when we were standing in the lunch line they were making fun of my nails (I have my nails out long because when I was younger something bad happened to me so they are my only form of defense) and they were saying that it was gross and stuff, they then said something about my looks again but I guess I blocked it out this time or something cause I cant remember it but I just got a bit pissed and told him if you want to keep bullying me and for him to go to the salad line. they said no and I kind of just ignored them. lets skip the rest of lunch because I really don't want to talk about it. moving onto break I just kind of sat there, I don't really have a good handle on my emotion so yeah moving on.

11:28- 12: 26: PE class. nothing else. just PE. I hate it. mainly because I have asthma and because I'm overweight.

12:30-1:30 pm: Spanish. it was ok. nothing interesting happened.

After school: I am hanging at the library right now. so that's where I right this story. anyways after I first arrived at the library I sat down with Ophelia and Luke, a few minutes later Cici walks in. I think I sounded a little too excited when I gasped and said hiiiiii like I said I don't really have a good grip on my emotions. I'm sad right now as I'm writing this because I'm forgetting a little bit even though it just happened really. but yeah we sit down and talk then encanto starts (library craft day is Wednesday and today was dance day) and so Ophelia goes in there to watch the movie with Luke leaving just me and Cici to talk. he told me all about this book that he's reading and then Ophelia comes back out and says we should go to this local store and me and Cici say yeah. so we all walk down to this hardware store and we walk around and buy drinks. I pay for Cici's since he didn't have that much money. we then come back, once again just me and Cici at this table while Ophelia and Luke watch encanto. we start talking about his siblings when Cici's ex girlfriend comes to sit down with us. lets call her Janet. anyways Janet says she has a headache and sits down next to Cici while we talk and before this Cici had used my swiss army knife to cut up this spoon and back to the present he throws the cut up spoon parts at me and I throw it back and we are both laughing when Janet says "you too should just date already" I was used to these types of comments but this time the unthinkable kind of happens I'm the first one who says no and then after me saying no twice he says no. I have never been the first one who has said no before. so this was kind of a surprise, suddenly we don't talk about Bruno starts playing and we both get up. only two people are dancing and its Cici and this girls younger brother. I sing silently in the corner. when its over we go back to the table and talk some more. after doing that for like three minutes the librarian holly gives Cici a cupcake cause he had one the dance battle. he asked me if I wanted some and I said no that I'm not a big fan of frosting which isn't a lie, its too sweet sometimes and he says he doesn't either. after a while Ophelia asks if we want to go to fizz, I say no at first but I guess everyone wanted to leave after the Bruno dance so the part of the library I was sitting at got really hot and so I changed my mind and decided to leave with them. me, Ophelia, Luke and Cici all leave for fizz, a place known for its ice cream. once again I pay for Cici and he asks Ophelia if she wants some of his watermelon frozen yogurt and she takes some off the top. with her fingers. he asks me next and I say no, not wanting to get my germs on his yogurt, he then asks Luke and I cant remember what he says but then Cici asks me again and once again I say no. I pay, give the guy and the girl there a tip and leave. no I did not get ice cream. I spent all my money on Cici. we then all walk back to the library and sit and relax, he then has to leave after 20 minutes of us just siting next to each other. but with this I got to know him a bit better and I get to know his boundaries. by the way before he left he asked me again if I wanted some of his yogurt to which I said no again and this has lead us to where we are now, me, writing about todays adventure. I would like to thank Ophelia and Cici for allowing me to have such a great day today. Ophelia I know you will read this and correct my grammar and spelling mistakes but thank you.


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