Chapter 10: school

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Date: March 4th 2022
I am currently typing this is school and life is going pretty great
Wednesday Cici couldn't come but it was still great. Everyone liked the cake. We had a fake trial. I helped the librarians with the Oreo tasting contest. Then drayden texted me. We talked for a few hours and she said that she will go to the library tomorrow with me. Later that night my piercing got infected and fell out. And it's now healed. And my dad was arguing with his mom because she had called him at 10:00 (21:00) at night and he was yelling all night. Anyways the next day I got ready for school. Gave drayden and cici their cake and carried on with my day. At break we had to go to the auditorium for plans for next year since spring break is coming up (I am a freshman) anyways I was looking and cici and drayden seem to be really close. I will talk more about that later
3rd period me and drayden talked over text even though we were both in the same class. We talked about what we were going to do at the library and then said that cici was going and if that was ok. I obviously said yeah.
After school I met drayden and my friends in the hall by the library. Ash had to walk laps around the school cause they missed a day of pe. We all (me drayden and cici) said we would walk with them but the office said we couldn't. So we all walked down to the library and we rented out the wii and wii sports resort. I won't go into specifics until later cause this is such a long story
Later when we were about to leave drayden said she has been stuck having a crush on cici for years. Also there was a lot a tension between them the entire time. Honestly I don't know what to think. I'm kinda stuck. My feelings don't make sense.
After the library my mom picked me up and said my dad was being a dick like always but we were going out to Chinese and my aunt was there cause my cousins husbands uncle passed away so she wanted to give them space. We all went out and ate. But on the way home he flipped someone off on the road and they sped up and flipped him off so then my dad followed them and then we got to a stop sign. I had known from previous times that he was gonna try and beat this guy up. Luckily the guy sped off but my dad was still yelling. So I yelled back at him. And he got pissed off cause I was yelling at him and he said that I have anger issues and that I'm being disrespectful and I'm a hypocrite because when he yelled at us it was abuse but when we yelled at him it's not and it was non stop back and fourth with his dumb ass. When we got home he said he was leaving. When we got inside he and my mom were arguing while I was comforting my aunt in room. We could both hear them. My mom then proceeded to kick him out. So yeah. And now today drayden said she was gonna go to the library but now her mom wanted her home right after school so yeah. That's that for now. Bye!
Update: I just wanted to share a little embarrassing story. So I was in pe today and we were playing colony ball and earlier I had almost made it across the field but I got touched by the ball and got a out and my teammate gave me a fist bump and said I did good. Well later I was on the field again and about to run when everyone was old me to go back and I froze and the guy on the apposing team started to run after me. I tried to run as fast as I could but I didn't make it in time and I got out but I also couldn't stop in time and ran right into my teammate's chest and fell over and I just laid there on my back covering my face. I was so embarrassed. But my friend was at that base ( Sylvia) and she and my teammate helped me up. Anyways I thought you guys might get a good laugh out of that but yeah that's it for today

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