Chapter 16: tired

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Date: 4/20/22 Wednesday
Omg I'm so tired. But I just write about my week before I get more over whelmed so this is gonna be quick and sloppy
Monday: nothing
Tuesday: asked cici to go to the library with me cause he came up behind me in lunch and we talked. He said maybe. After school I asked him again but my friends were leaving and I was kind of in a rush so I must have sounded mean or something cause he snapped at me in front of his friends and it was so embarrassing. He just said that if he was going he would meet me down there in kind of a tone and gave me a look. I was pissed. I rushed off trying not to think about it to much. I then went to the library where he did not show up but I did talk to my friends and then I talked to my senior friend lumine. Then one of my classmates from gym walked in and started talking to her. I kind of talked to him to but not as much. He's nice. I like him. Tbh I never thought I would like him as much as I do. I don't know why but I just thought I would never talk to him. But after a while I got to know him a little bit and I would consider us good acquaintances. So yeah. After that I had a bit of a break down cause cici texted me asking me if I had a car cause he needed picked up from the near by town. I was so confused. It just seemed like he was mad at me. But I liked him so I said yes and then told him to hold on cause I had to call my mom to come pick me up so I could pick him up. That's not really the reason I was freaking out though. I was freaking out cause I thought I was gonna get set up. And I will give you a few reasons I said that.
1. In the text he said " hey does any of y'all have a car" that's horrible grammar and he said y'all. So my thing was maybe it was one of those friends he was with earlier. Maybe they have his phone and if I go to pick "him" up he won't actually be there and instead I will be left embarrassed.
2. He said he will be the guy on the side of the road. THE SIDE OF THE ROAD. No house. Not even a specific road. Just a road.
3. Those friends he was with earlier don't really like me and I hate them and he was mad at me earlier so it could have possibly been a prank.
But my suspicion was cleared when we got there and he was on the side of the road walking to my town. We picked him up and headed to the library where lumine and Beth proceeded to make fun of me for having anxiety and calling it a set up IN FRONT OF CICI. NOT COOL LUMINE. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. You too Beth. They then sat at the table with me and cici and made fun of me more and I gave them my Wattpad story (this one) and so yeah. Cici then had to leave. And the I went behind the counter cause Beth and lumine were now back there and I gave them my emotions. I thought it was kind of funny though. I haven't been that embarrassed in a while. But yeah. I then sat in the office for the rest of the time but during that time I started to feel off. Couldn't feel my body. Didn't feel like I was in my body. Dizzy. I thought I was going insane. And that was kind of it.
Wednesday: same feeling. It started in fcs (second period) and I wasn't feeling it and then that other senior acquaintance saw me and I tried to avoid eye contact. But he came up to me. Held out his hand and gave me a zot. It kind of made me cheer up. But I still wasn't feeling the best and at lunch I had a quick break down cause of it and I had to go to the nurse by the end of lunch time. I had to go to the elementary school one cause the high school one was on lunch break. I then took a nap after being checked out by her. I kept clock watching though. Time was moving so slow. I then made it back to the school after my "nap" and made it to pe just in time. I then suffered for the rest of the day. But after school was much better. I even got to sit in the office again and talk with the two people who worked there that day which was hailey and luke. Both really nice but both quiet. I like them though. Honesty it was nice and chill. So my day got better and yes I ate the zot and it was amazing. But that's it for now. I will update you tomorrow when I get out of school and get done hanging out with drayden.

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