Chapter 13: tired.

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Date: Monday March 28th 2022
Ok yes after not updating on day to day I am officially back. Sorry it took me so long. I have been a bit busy.
So at school nothing happened. Cici wasn't their but I feel like he was gonna somehow be there. Weather at school or somewhere else. Anyways I went to the psychic fair Saturday (with my friends in our misa and l and light cosplays) and then on Sunday with my mom and got my friend Sylvia a ring since she didn't get to go. So I gave it to her today. And she loved it. And then during pe I was having a rough time. I still can't really feel emotion but I was stressed a bit and I couldn't hold my body still. Like at my brothers I felt like running away. In fact I still can't hold still. All I could really think about in this situation is fish. Most of it too was having him comfort me and it kind of helped but I still had to move my body. We will skip the rest anyways at the library some kid who I have been seeing come in every day to play the wii since last week Tuesday talked to me today and he was talking about how he liked the game I was playing and asked to help since it was a new game for me and I wasn't understanding it. (Now before you say anything this kid looks like he's in the 6th grade and just remember I'm a freshman) he kept leaving and coming back to talk to me (and by leaving he was in the other room playing the wii with his friend. And before anything else I would like to add he does have other friends then just that one. ) and eventually he introduced himself as Aidan and I introduced myself as asia and then we shook hands and said we can be friends (since he asked)  and he then ASKED FOR MY PHONE NUMBER. ( BRO IS 100% IN MIDDLE SCHOOL AND ASKING FOR NUMBERS) and I said I wasn't comfortable with that and hoping he would understand. He said he did and then he left kind of upset but then came back and asked if I had a discord. (Now Lucas was originally sitting in the corner spot but he moved out to where I was sitting when he heard the kid talk to me.
Oh side story before I forget sometime during the week it was me and Lucas as usual and we were sorta talking with these two girls behind us when one of them says that Lucas has a crush and I pretend to be clueless and say "on who" and they of course say me. I say no of course. I don't think he does BUT THIS BITCH JUST SAT THERE IN SILENCE. LIKE SAY NO TOO. I DONT CARE IF YOU DO OR NOT BUT DONT JUST STAY SILENT. So anyways yeah.) he comes out asking if I have discord and I reluctantly give the kid my discord and Lucas also adds my discord. And we talk for a bit and then the other kid leaves and says to me I hope you have a nice day and then Lucas has to leave and he says I hope you have a great day too. I like Lucas a bit more now (we had shared some of the memes about will smith smacking Chris rock. ) and yeah that's kind of my day. So that's it. I will be back tomorrow!

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