chapter 11: drayden

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Date: wednsday march 9th 2022

ah yes hello diary, how nice to see you again. I have not updated in a while cause no school and I have been exuasted. ok so my aunt is going through a divorce and on top of that mental illness, I think I told you that. next my uncle is staying with us. so no dad, my aunt is staying in my room, (its been over a week too) and my uncle who is super annoying is sleeping on the couch. now let me tell you none of these people are taking very good care of themselves but yet it seems like all they care about is themselves. MY AUNT HAS BEEN SLEEPING IN MY ROOM FOR A WHOLE WEEK WHILE I SLEEP WITH MY MOM. IM SO TIRED OF IT AND WANT MY ROOM BACK. YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW UPSET I AM AND HOW FRUSTRATED I AM. IT DOESNT SEEM TO MATTER TO HER THAT I AM STRUGGLING. let me tell you this too, I live in a trailer, better yet a tiny trailer. so here I am, in a tiny trailer, my depressed aunt who litters stuff all over my room, my mentally and physicly handicapped uncle in the living room and all that seperates us is a small little area and a kitchen. the trailers walls are thin too. so when my uncle has to throw up cause he cant chew properly its all I hear. when my aunt is crying its all I hear. not to mention they are eating my food, drinking my drinks, one of them has wrecked my room and the other who has not showered for 4 days cause he refuses to Im gonna get pissed. but of course when I get pissed im in the wrong because I am just like my dad, I get upset over the littlest of things. you have no idea how mentaly draining this is. I cant do this. but I will to continue this story. anyways didnt have school monday cause of snow and I didnt have it tuesday cause of junior acts. but today I had school and it went fine. after school cici and drayden came to the library with me and mary. I don't know why but 4th period my heart was beating fast and i dont know why. it felt like a panic attack again but it didnt hurt as much so I would say anxiety but I'm not one to self diagnose but anyways I think my pain showed cause cici kept asking if i was ok and i had to keep saying yep. then fernando showed up. one of cicis and draydens friends. I used to have a crush on him but then I realized how much of a dick he could be. but it showed a bit more cause cici once again asked if I was ok. I said yeah. I started to slow down cause I wanted to walk behind them and he asked once again if I was ok. I said yeah and by now fernando was gone. we continued walking when drayden asked how my day was and I said it was fine and she said that was good. we then got to the library where ophelia was across the street from me asking me if she dressed like a mom. I would have waited for her but drayden was holding the door so I coulndnt wait. I went inside and we made stress balls for todays craft (every wednsday the library has a craft that they do) I made mine and cici made his. drayden didnt make one but thats ok. yknow im gonna leave this here for a while and finish the rest at home.
At home. I'm so tired so if none of this makes sense I'm sorry. Anyways after we made our things Lucas's broke and I got even more stressed I was about to cry and maybe pass out and then I calmed my self but drayden asked if I was ok and I told her everything. About how shitty life at home has been for the past week. And cici listened to it all. And his ex gf kept trying to talk to drayden to get her to join in a tiktok and she finally did and me and cici talked. Then drayden came by and said that we should sit at a table and so we did. Me, cici, drayden and then Janet sat down. Real fun. We talked about anime for a while while drayden and Janet talked about TikTok's. Then cici had to do math and I helped him. Well at least tried. Then we all sat in the corner and talked. Cici said he liked me more then drayden and Janet and he said he was serious. He kinda sounded serious but I wouldn't know. Anyways we continued to talk then he had to leave. Oh yeah and before that my stress ball broke too and it was so embarrassing. But everyone's broke too. Anyways then my neighbor showed up cause she friends with drayden and we all played taco cat goat cheese pizza. Then drayden and her friend were just talking when we got on the topic of cici. Now she said she had a crush on cici. And cici knew this. But he said he views drayden like a little sister and he rather look like a couple then be a couple. Now anyways I said that I had a crush on a couple of kids from this school and draydens friend asked me if I had a crush on anyone know. The first person drayden said was Cici. Of course I had to deny it after what I was told. So I did. Drayden said she didn't blame if I did but he would probably think of me like a little sister too. Even though I am literally older then him. Me and drayden both are cause we are June baby's and he's a July baby LMAOOO. But yeah. After that drayden and her friend had to leave. Then I started with this story and then I walked to the school and sat on the bleachers at the football place. But it was too cold so I laid down. And I saw the moon so I continued to lay there. The office lady rolled up cause of conferences and she asked if I needed a ride and if someone was gonna pick me up and if I was ok. I said no and that I'm fine and my mom was going to pick me up and she said ok and drove away. So yeah. That's it for today. Bye

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