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Ok so obviously in the very beginning of this you have all the me's introduced so it's time to introduce the rest of the people in my life
Up first
Marty- oldest biological brother
Wayne- second oldest biological brother (aka middle child)
Next the children
Mary- Marty's oldest
Danica- Marty's middle child
Ray-ray- Marty's youngest
Ok now for the middle child's children
Charlie- Wayne's oldest (not biologically and not adopted but he was sorta there for her birth)
Saylor- Wayne's middle child
Emmy- Wayne's youngest child
Yes he has all girls
Ok then you have my eldest brother's best friends
Fish- not his actual name but it's a nickname
Now this is gonna sound horrible but I have a crush on him. Now the problem with that is I'm 14 and he's 29 almost 30. There is a 15 year difference between us. And I'm supposed to think of him as a brother since he was in either middle school or high school when I was born.
Ok now we have his daughter
Emma- she is his only child and he doesn't get to see her much cause his ex wife kinda won most of the custody. They went through a major hard ship in their marriage and I feel horrible for him. She's only 5 too
Anyways on to the next one
Martinez- he's the oldest out of all of them, even my bio brother. But he's also 30 (as of April that is)
I also sorta had (have) sorta a crush on him. I don't know what it is. And him and fish are like yin and Yang. I mostly relate to Martinez which means we get along well but me and fish are opposites attract. (Accept we will never attract hopefully, I don't want them to like me back. That would be weird but I'm still stuck liking them. )
That's kind of it for them.
On to my sisters-in-law
Meredith- married to Marty
(And for now cause they might be getting divorced)is Chelsea. She is (for now) married to Wayne.
Moving on to my other family.
My mom- Shelly (not biological but she almost adopted me)
My brother Ryan- he is just so sweet
My other "brother" Cameron- tw like major trigger warning cause what I'm about to say will probably trigger you but when I was 4 he raped me. some parts of me can't blame him though cause when he was younger he was also raped. I don't think he knew how to deal with that. Also he is a drug baby. He also had/has a psychotic sister (him and his sister were adopted cause Shelly didn't want them in the foster care system and they're her husbands family) that tried to kill him multiple times when he was younger.
Moving on
You got my two sisters
Brianna- she's the oldest
Caitlin- she's a bitch.
That's kind of my family. Moving on to friends
Ash- ash is the crazy one of the group. But they are also caring
That remind me of someone oh yeah
Ophelia- she is kind of like ash in that way except crazy in a different way.
Lydia- my best friend of the group.
Max-her twin brother.
Lucas- Lucas.
Drayden- I'm jealous of her. That's all I'm saying
Cici- not sure if I have feelings for him but I love him no matter what.
And yeah that's everyone I believe.

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