chapter 5: still not the same

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after the way things went Thursday and Wednesday I'm still struggling but lets start with todays adventure even though I feel like crying.

7:00 - 7:40: I woke up confused, I had trouble sleeping last night yet I am wide awake now. I do the usual, clean my piercing's, brush my teeth, and today I just put a hoodie over my pj's which consist of black fuzzy pants and a band t-shirt my brothers best friend have given me. then I go to school. my dad wasn't home that morning so my day started off good.

7:50-8:10: get to school and realized I forgot my airpods. I had my mom go back to the house and look for them for me. anyways Sylvia and max were at school today, and not only that but there was a really pretty girl sitting next to max, as I sat down the girl introduced herself as Oliva. she had the most beautiful green eyes with long black hair that was tied into a ponytail. I introduced my self and then she excused herself to go to the restroom. as I got to sit down fully I talked to max and Sylvia for sometime till Ophelia had shown up we all talked for a bit when my mom showed up with my airpods. I went and got them then headed to my first class.

8:10- 9:35: math class was so boring so I'm not even gonna talk about it.

9:41-11:06: science. not talking about. that class was boring too. this school fucking sucks sometimes

11:06- 12:20: ahh yes lunch. fuck my life. I hated lunch today. Ophelia and Sylvia and max were just so ughhhhhh. I really need to work on my emotions cause I'm pissing myself off. anyways Sylvia was going through my bag and I said she could but then she started talking about Cici cause I had food in my bag and it was all for him, anyways they started to just toss stuff and that didn't matter and I kind of had a good time but at the same time they kept talking about Cici really loudly. at the end of lunch they even said how I was gonna write about them in this story and I am, anyways lunch for today was popcorn chicken and smiley fries. I found out I lost two pounds today so I didn't want to eat a lot so even though my friends got me extra we decided on trying to give it away to Cici, so Ophelia texted Cici on Instagram and he's never on his phone so he didn't respond but yeah. and on our way to break Ophelia and Sylvia said they were gonna talk to this whore named ava wright and so I decided to go with them cause Cici is friends with ava's boyfriend joseph and so Cici was over there and so I went over there but the bell rang so I didn't get the chance to talk with Chris. anyways break ended and yeah

12:26-1:51: third period today is language arts. it was so boring today so I'm gonna skip writing about it besides the fact I talked to one of Cici's friends (lets call her drayden) I was/am also friends with her. I like her, she's super nice.

1:57-3:20: fourth period I had to help a bunch of people with tech and yeah.

after school: stayed in t (side note to the present Cici just sent me a snap. twiceOMG.ok that time im just gonna leave him on read. sorry for all the errors and typos but I'm gonna leave it like that to show how excited i was) anyways stayed in the school for a bit with Sylvia and waited for ash because I had alto sax reads for them. anyways Cici is there talking to his friends and I once again want to talk to him, but this time to see if he wants to come to the library Wednesday but I was then kidnapped by ash and forced to walk with them cause choir kids (Ophelia, Sylvia and Cici and Drayden) had to stay after school to help with the 8th grades choir musical. anyways here we are now, at the library, just typing. I think that's all want to write for today. bye


(authors note, I don't feel too good mentally so and so I'm kind of drained, if I don't upload I'm sorry but I will eventually, love you guys.)

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