Chapter 8: Cici

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Date 2/28/22 Monday

yes I really did name this chapter after him because last night I was sleeping on the couch cause my aunt was over and I let her have my room. well anyways it was 12:15 am (00:15) and I wake up cause my phone went off twice. Well cici had finally gotten back to my text message about if he had liked my banana bread that I sent him at 4 pm (16:00) but the conversation went a little like this

(I am literally coping this word for word so bare with me here) 



A- "Hey did you ever eat the banana bread"

C- "yeah"

C- "like all of it"

A- "how was it"

C- "good bu some bites were a lot dryer then others but other then that they were good"

A- " yeah cause it's cause it didn't bake evenly. I think that was my main problem"

C- "yea but over all I would eat again"

A- "that's so good to hear :). Although I'm making a cake next."

C - "look im kinda a food consultant with twinkees being a ten and crap being a one your banana bread was a god 8.45"

A- "so it was good to your standards"


C- "He'll yea"

A- "I'm glad you liked it. I was a bit nervous it wasn't gonna be good"

C- "your food is good and I need some more"

C- "really anything"

A- "Well next up is a chocolate cake. now the problem is it was originally for Toby and he wanted chocolate on chocolate (so chocolate cake with chocolate frosting) but we didn't end up making it and not everyone likes chocolate on chocolate"

C- "depends devels chocolate german or basic food color and sugar"

A- "give me a minute to find the stuff and I'll show you"

C- "sorry didn't mention main cake not frosting all frosting sucks" 

(I mentioned this before but I already knew he hated frosting cause I'm not a fan either but I didn't want to say I remembered that)

A- "so no frosting for you?"

C- " didn't fully mean that I like fluf foods frosting but that an exclusive to stores in arizona so probly won't find it so yea"

A- *sent a photo*

A- " that is the stuff I was gonna use"

C- " I try to avoid betty crockett frosting but the cake is good"

A- "ok if I make it this week I will give you some with no frosting"

and that was the end of that minute conversation. then at 2 am ( 02:00) one of my other friends Ella messaged me saying she had started my bracelet and so that night I had trouble sleeping. When I got to school today he wasn't there and nothing really happened today so I'm gonna fill you in on stuff from Thursday, Friday and a bit of Saturday. 

so on Wednesday night i had asked cici if he liked banana bread and he said yeah and we had a conversation about it and then on Thursday morning he had grabbed the banana bread from me and we had a conversation and he was shaking cause he had some hot chocolate and i noticed before he said anything. we talked about that for a bit then he moved on to his moms banana bread and he said it was so good cause it has almonds in it so it gives it flavor and crunch. I said he should bring some sometime for me to try (fun fact about me, i hate almonds but that's a story for another day) anyways he then left and i continued about my day. 

Friday I had to wake up at 6 to get ready to get my friend toby and the entire drive over there my parents argued and it was a long ride too and then it was 11 am when we got there. me and toby talked all the way back to the library and he even go to read this story. we arrived at the library and cici said his mom said he couldn't come but that was ok. me and toby were a hour late but that was fine. me, toby max, Sylvia, ash, and Ophelia were all there. unfortunately Olivia couldn't make it. anyways we all hung out and we then went to the park when the library closed and then max and Sylvia had to leave and then we all went to Ophelia work ( she had been picked up two hours prior) and bought stuff. we then went to Casey's to pick up our pizza and then picked up Ophelia and her place and then we all went back to my place and we all had fun, we relaxed, we laughed and we played cards against humanity. the next morning we dropped toby off and yeah that was kind of it but that's why I didn't upload ( I also had to call cici cause of truth or dare and ask him out but luckily he didn't pick up.) but yeah that was all and I will update tomorrow, Bye!


(edit) I forgot to mentions my friends told me drayden was a lesbian but me and toby thought she was pan anyway yeah that's all

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