9. Karma

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Two hours until dawn...

Violet and Mike walked down the path toward the Sanatorium, both silent. Mike wanted to strike up a conversation with her, but he didn't know what to do and if it'd make her angry or not.

Violet sighed, stopping in place as she rubbed her face, causing Mike to do the same. "What's wrong?" Mike asked, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I know you have something to ask me. So, ask ahead," Violet stated. "I won't get mad, I promise,"

Mike rubbed the back of his head. "I'm happy that you're back. Really, I am. I'm still in shock that you're okay. But, I'm wondering how it must've been living up here"

"Yeah. It's hard. I had to find deer and other animals that were killed by the wolves or other animals, or even the Wendigo to eat. Or we should leave the mountain to get real food. The only person I had to talk to was Jack... But he isn't much of a people person. I saw him more as a father figure than a friend. The only person I consider a close friend up here was a wolf, I named him Wolfie. Honestly, the only thing that kept me going up here was... Seeing all of you again. Especially you, Mike," Violet explained, her cheeks glowed slightly red.

Mike blushed, looking away from her with a small smile. "T-thanks. I'm happy to see you again, too. I-I missed you too," he responded.

Violet smiled slightly as her blush worsened, looking forward and continuing down the hallway. "C'mon, we're wasting time. The longer we take, the higher chance that Josh could be dead,"

Mike nodded, catching up with her. "You got it, Vi-Bi," he replied, calling her by her nickname again.

Violet paused, turning to point at him with a glare on her face. "I've trained with Jack for a long time and learned a lot about the Wendigo's. So, unless you want to die, you have to do everything I say. Got it?" She threatened.

Mike nodded, giving her a salute. "Got it,"

The two continued down the corridor, getting to the door that lead into the Sanatorium. "Oof... Ok, ok, ok... What is the..." Mike muttered as he opened the door. He looked at Violet, bowing slightly. "After you, M'lady,"

Violet scoffed slightly with a smile. "Someone's still caring," she commented, walking through the door, Mike following her behind her.

Mike shut the door, locking it behind him. The two walked down the path, turning the corner and walking up a flight of stairs. Once at the top, they walked through to the main room where Jack and Violet lived.

Walking into the hall/room, they noticed that the place looked more messed up than it was a few hours beforehand. A lot more of the place had collapsed and a bunch of the ceiling was on the ground. "Holy shit..." Mike muttered as he shined his flashlight around.

Violet looked around in shock. "What the hell happened?! Jack and I were just here a few hours ago,"

"I know. It's weird... But then again, this place is around a good hundred years old," Mike commented as they walked further into the room, noticing something. "Huh... What happened to all the wolves?"

Violet shrugged. "I don't know. They wander around the place that I do know. Normally I have no idea where they go. Unless Jack and I tell them to go somewhere," Violet explained.

Mike walked over to a gate, opening it. He walked down the hallway, with Violet following him. "Do you know where this leads?" Mike asked.

Violet shrugged. "I don't know. Jack said I wasn't allowed in certain parts of the Sanatorium. I listened to him because... He's the expert and without his advice... I'd probably be dead,"

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