Chapter 1

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Amelia pov
Hey, I’m 12 I got straight brown shoulder length
hair with green eyes and today look like another beautiful
day for questioning my life. I rolled out of bed and got ready
for school avoiding my mom at all cost. She’s quite abusive,
she tends on scolding and beating me for no reason, well I
know it’s because my dad left her when she fell pregnant
with me, he didn’t want to be a dad and he hasn’t been a
dad. She basically blames me and on days that she’s drunk I
wish she wasn’t as honest. She would say things like ‘I done
things to make sure you weren’t born, I pushed myself down
the stairs suffocated you’. To be honest not something a 12
year old wants to hear.
I headed downstairs just about to leave when I got pulled
back by my pony tail and got the beating of my life… I ran to
my room a locked it. I checked the damage in the mirror and
just cried. I knew I would be late for school and that my mom
would come banging on my door soon.
I, however had enough and decided to run away, the thought
crossed my mind many times before, but I could never bring
myself to do I already had a bag packed, I added the
essentials and threw it out my window into the neighbour's sandpit , me soon following after. My vision started to get
blurry but I made it to jades house 2 streets away.
Jade is the baddie of the trio. She had shoulder length black
hair, brown eyes and an idgaf attitude. She’s actually a teddy
bear on the inside .I rang the doorbell and just then
everything went black.
When I came to, I was in a hospital bed and jade and our
other friend crystal and her mom Samantha was looking at
me. A doctor then walked in and checked if I was
soon as she left I asked...
“What happened?” “well, we can start by you giving me a
heart attack this morning when you collapse at my door,
which lead to me having an actual panic attack and the I
called crystal and she told her mom and then we rushed you
to hospital and we’ve only been here for 3 hours ” jade said
in one breathe.
Crystal then spoke up “well the police are involved you have
multiple bruises and marks and scratches. Your mom is on
her way” this made me panic and crystals mom picked up on
this and tried to calm me down “honey, its
Okay… you don’t have to deal with her, you can come along
with crystal and I to New York. You can do online school with
her and everything”. I simply nodded. I love Samantha. She had blonde hair and
blue eyes, she’s young, like 27 she had crystal when she was
15 therefore she’s a laid back mom. A very ‘laid back’ mom.
Crystal is the crack head of our group she’s crazy and
energetic. She dyed her hair ash grey and has massive blue
eyes, she’s carefree and doesn’t have a time she needs to be
in the house and she gets to do what she wants. Her mom
literally bought her, her first joint. Samantha is quite
immature because she doesn’t come from a functional family
and crystal is mature and doesn’t do drugs and things
because her mom isn’t much mature. Samantha is an actor,
not really well known so I wonder what we’ll be doing in New
---------------------------------------word count 708
Hi this is my first story; I always have crazy ideas but never
actually do anything with them. I apologize for any errors in
this chapter or any chapter coming up. Let me know what
you think in the comments, what would you like to see and
where do you think I’m going with this, maybe I change plot
because your idea. You never know 
Also this is book one of three!Take care of yourself Sparklers (we should put this to a sparkle what would you, my readers, like to be

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