Chapter 26

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Amelia/Leah pov
It's been three days since mom's funeral, and funny enough. I'm okay. I questioned who has a funeral on Wednesdays but I guess we did. It was rather small. It was the browns, crystal and Sam, a few of my mom's work friends and her best friends that she got drunk and went to parties with. There was also an unknown man with 2 teenage boys in the back of the church. That was kinda suspicious, but I assumed they were just more friends of my mom's.
I also caught up with Jade, Crystal and surprisingly June. She wasn't replacing me but she was around alot more than she usually was which is okay, we like June she a genuinely nice person.

Even max stayed home that night so that we can talk. I miss them. I miss our late nights, our movie marathons, our Sunday feasts. School. I missed everything but that's okay because I could do alot of those things with Harper at the foster home which honestly is not that bad. Okay it's better than that it's pretty good. I see why nobody wants to leave... Which brings me to yesterday, Friday. I had a talk with Ms Mary about my life and my future, my goals and my ambitions. I told her how I'm not really smart so I don't see myself doing much in an academic world like being a doctor or an accountant or something smart. She then gave me advice about being anything I want to be if I'm motivated enough to reach for my goals and achieve it, which brought us to my passion for bossing people around and being sarcastic and most importantly directing. I told her about sokovia and the directors I met there also what Elizabeth banks said about me and my skills. She then told me I should start a blog or a gofundme link so that I can actually become a director somewhere in England.

I told I wanted to go to New York. She explained to me that the world is bigger than it seems and there's more to the world than new York the noisy crowded place. She wasn't lying but I wanted to be there and I explained to her why, this part of our conversation ended up with me in tears as I spoke about lizzie and Scarlett and our love and the great times we had. Even Ms Mary shed a tear at our story. In the end I told her that I haven't felt more at home.

Which is true, well kinda. There was lizzies house, but I guess here in Africa. I haven't felt so loved in a home since forever. I loved all the siblings I now had and the fun and love we have for each other. I was at peace. Yes I miss my old home but I loved it here. Like for example today, right now, we at the beach. Most of us that is . Ms Mary stayed home with the younger kids so no 8 year olds and younger. We were with an organization that was going to teach us how to surf. I was chilling on the sand with harper in complete silence, it was peaceful. She's building a sand castle and I'm just here with my thoughts staring out at the sea. We were waiting for the leaders to get back with our surf boards...

Lizzie pov.
It's been six days since we jumped on a plane to find Leah. We haven't really had much luck, even Micheal the waiter from the library coffee shop started helping. His a cool guy.

It's currently 7am and I'm chilling in bed. Scarlett is asleep next to me.

I've been so caught up with myself that I haven't even noticed how much my best friend is struggling. Yes, everyday she takes care of me and makes sure I'm doing okay, because my anxiety and panic attacks are bad lately but how selfish could I have been. Scarlett has been working her butt off to find Leah, alot more than me. She's been online since forever, she's even got out of her comfort zone and opened multiple social media accounts to join Chris and more recently myself on the search to find Leah. Yip that's right, I got myself a phone. I couldn't deal with not knowing what people are saying. Point is Scarlett has multiple sleepless nights, when I wake up at 3 to use the bathroom she's still scrolling through millions of comments to find Leah or going through the printed list of Leah sameuls and Samuels in general to pin point our girl.

Honestly I believe it's because she already lost her little girl all those years ago and she trying to make up for it by making sure the same thing doesn't happen to me.

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