Chapter 24

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Amelia pov.
We got home late last night so I slept over at Crystals house. It was currently 7am and all of us were getting ready to go to jades house. Her parents Ms and Mr brown actually came home from their business trip to assisted me. I found that sweet, so today we'll be taking care of the funeral things. Seeing a lawyer about a will and the house and stuff and then at 3 we have an appointment with a social worker because I'm officially on the fostering system. Apparently I'll be living in a foster home, so I gotta pack for that and then I'll go meet the foster mother. She's Ms Mary. I've actually heard of her before. She's pretty cool nobody actually wants to leave her foster home so that might work in my favor..
Crystal and I spent an hour catching up with jade on vacation while the adults were talking they soon called me down to talk about the funeral.
Sam spoke up, probably because she doesn't beat around the bush and gets straight to the point.
"so honey. The funeral is in two days. Your mom didn't have any family other than you so it would be a rather small funeral. Close friends work friends and us. Mr Kennedy over here. Your moms lawyer actually says that nothing was left for you. It's actually left for someone named Nathan Samuel's. Your dad I suppose. " I nodded at the information. I wasn't actually surprised at any of this information as my mom already said it to me a couple of times when she was drunk. Mr Kennedy spoke up.
"There is a huge amount of money in a trust fund for your education though. Secondary and tertiary "
Of course, she wanted me to be a perfect kid, so the best of schools to make up for me being me... I guess. Me being me.
After finalizing all the funeral arrangements we headed uptown to meet up with the social worker who is dealing with my case..Amanda Stewart. She had donuts... I like her already..
"HI, I'm Amanda. I'm working with your case. So we'll just be talking about simple things today like schooling, diets, religious beliefs. Basically getting to know each other and then later I'll fetch you to go to the foster how does that sound" I nodded. We spoke for quite a while and honestly if she wasn't 14 years older than me I'd totally be her friend. I headed home. My real home. And unpacked my suitcase, just to repack it I guess. There was a note. IT WAS FROM LIZZIE. my heart stopped I contemplated my life. Do I open it or don't I. Curiosity got the best of me and I opened it.

"my beautiful Leah.
I'm writing this note to you, for you to remember me. I know you won't forget but still " I rolled my eyes at her mom mode

"don't roll your eyes at me young lady, I know you like the back of my hand" I laughed. She really knows me well.

"I always imagined what our relationship would be like if we spoke to each other in that three months and honestly I don't think anything would change a bit. I don't think we can be closer than what we currently are. Before you came around I was in the roughest patch that I didn't think I'll make it out of and then suddenly a 12 year old having a panic attack at my first audition in year changes my life. 30 minutes with you in that parking lot changed my life. Thank you. You filled my life with joy and happiness and everything great and I have no idea what I'll do without you. You were my Missing piece and now you're leaving. (cries.) just know I will see you again, without a doubt. But until then take care of yourself until I can mom you around. Charge your phone. Don't forget your jacket. No coffee on your period or before bed. I packed burrito for you so you can have me with you and when you miss me wrap yourself up and you'll be in my embrace. I love you with all my heart. - lizzie"

I cried. I just held onto burrito. I missed her so much that my heart hurt. I packed burrito into the suitcase first. I didn't want to forget it. I packet majority of my baggy clothes and hoodies and stuff.
I managed to pack all my things. I'm literally moving my entire room with me in just 3 suitcases. I packed my backpack with my school supplies and my laptop back with all my electronics. Okay so five bags in total but I think that's still pretty great.

I looked at my room one last time before heading downstairs. I headed back upstairs for my body length mirror because I don't think I'll be able to live without.

When Amanda showed up she gave me a weird look before laughing she didn't say much she just packed all my things in her car before opening the shot gun door for me to get in. The car drive was pretty cool. I wasn't worried mainly because I was sitting in the comfort of Evans cologne. His hoodie is really covered in it. I'm obsessed. I miss the guy. Amanda and I played 30 question. Well we only got to 10 because I asked what celebrities she met and she gave me a local guys name emo Adams his quite cool I wish I met him but when I told her about the marvel family she didn't believe me I had to pull out pictures of our holiday in sokovia and thereafter it was simply questions about them which was fine I spoke about them proudly and happily until she asked about my wallpaper which was the picture of me and lizzie. I went quiet and she understood that it was a sensitive topic. I answered her anyways.
  "this is lizzie, she was our roommate in New York. She was the best thing that ever happened to me and Im just a bit sad because a miss her dearly " after my answer Amanda softly smiled at me I didn't even realize that the car had come to a stop until she got out. I was caught up in my feelings okay. Let me be! The house was quite huge and there was a little park and garden. It was beautiful
Ms Mary was standing by the patio with a little girl waiting for us. She seemed nice, maybe I'm going to like it here. Lol. I laughed at the Annie reference but that soon changed to sadness as I missed lizzie again.
"hello Amelia. We've been waiting for you. This is Silvia " did I just join a cult? Oh. No. I waved at the little girl and she hid behind Ms Mary.
"we got your room ready are you ready to head inside? " I nodded and we headed inside even Amanda.
"over here we have my office. I don't like the idea of strangers walking further than this point because of my kids" okay I love her already. She has great morals and views and opinions. We headed to the next room.
"over here we have the living room. All our movie nights are here. That's every Saturday by the way" she winked. That's so cool quality time. It had a massive couch. It went around in a C shape all facing a massive TV.
The next room was the kitchen and then it had swinging doors into a caferteria. It had circle tables it looked like a smaller version of high school musicals caferteria. And on the other side it had glass doors to a massive yard. It had a even bigger built in park. We entered in more glass doors on the other side. It looked like a study room. Ms Mary said it's for studying purposes. We left out another door and ended up in the main hallway again.
The doors next to it was the laundry room and a bathroom. We then headed upstairs. She showed us her room and the baby room it had 3 baby beds we headed to the next room it had 4 bunk beds it looked like a boys room and same with the next room but more girly. The following room had only 2 beds.
"this is your room. You share a room with harper she's 12. You too are the only two 12 year old females and then there's Chad. He lives 2 doors down with the boys. The next rooms is the older kids apperently it's off limits but I promise they nice. I'll let you settle in, this is your wardrobes and your bed and your section of the room. Ms Amanda and I will finish paper work in my office. Everyone should be back soon an organization took them out for the day. "

They left.
I unpacked my stuff, put my books on the shelf, lizzies note fell out of my diary. I read it again and cried . I then wrapped myself in burrito, crawled to the top corner of my bed and cried myself to sleep.
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Hey sparklers!

So funerals is being planned and Amelia is in a foster home. Also I genuinely don't know how orphanages/foster homes look. I'm sorry for the completely wrong details.
Also what do y'all think about lizzies note please tell me in the comments. Our girl is emotional.

Anyways take care of yourself. ❤️
Sparkle out!

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