Chapter 36

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Amelia pov.
So last night was kinda fun. We watched a movie and then I headed to my room to snuggle in with rose.

Which brings us to the now. I'm dreading shopping everybody knows it's filled with parents doing last minute shopping and there's not exactly cool things left on the shelves but we also get to do clothes shopping and Evans is determined to get me the blue hoodie which would be fun to watch. Aunty scar didn't do shopping for rose either so we'll be doing that today as well. Her dad bought her alot of things so she's kinda sorted.

Rose started shifting in my arms.

"morning princess. You ready to go shopping."
I asked in a soft tone.

"Nooooo.just let me sleeeeewwp" she pulled the sheets over her head and turned away from me. Okay then.

I got out of bed and grabbed my things before heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Evans walked out and smirked.

"GoodMorning and Goodluck " he said way too suspiciously. I gave him a questioning look.

"I dropped a bomb and got the air freshener right here. " he smirked before entering his room and closing the door. That was Sam's room before his.
I headed into the toilet and honestly it wasn't that bad. Jades brother has done alot worse to bathrooms. I finished my business and headed to lizzies room.
Scarlett and Liz was all cuddled up as if they were relying on each other for heat.

Being the best child I am I jumped on them.
"c'mon. Leave some space for me. Orr. If not me a lil space for Jesus would be nice. "

They just pulled me down and covered me with the blankets and cuddled me.

"heyyy. We got lots of things to do today people. I prefer to get it over with. "
They continued to sleep.

"okay. Fine. You give me no choice. I'm allowing rose to make her own pancakes on the stove and I'm telling Evans you have us full permission to do extreme mischief and pranks."
I pushed myself up but they were up before me both yelling no which made me laugh.

" We up, we up. Thanks butternut. " Scarlett said it sarcastically and obviously I had to give her the most genuine 'thank you ' to destroy her sarcasm she smiled and rolled her eyes before headed out the room.

Lizzie kiss attacked me. I don't think she missed a spot on my face. I enjoyed every moment of it because soon it wouldn't be like this.

We got ready and headed out. We got everything we needed at the mall. I'm certain Liz and Scarlett bought everything they could get their hands on and surprisingly the shops weren't as busy as I thought it would be. We were currently having lunch and waiting on Evans to get back from the printing store he insisted on it being sewed on that way it would last long or something.

From a distance I saw him take a turn. He was wearing his classes and dad hat and hoodie. That could only mean one thing...


"c'mon. We gotta get out of here. There's paps in the building. " I said as I quickly got rose hidden and covered. Scarlett took her and headed toward the door Liz grabbed me and our things and followed behind. There were more paparazzi at the door we were literally closed in. They were crazy tugging and yelling things. Wanting to know who I was. If I was Leah that went missing. And what's the story. To say I was terrified was an understament and the fact that something cut my favorite shirt somewhere in the mess wasn't helping
A driver, however pulled up to the front and opened the door. I was confused. Scarlett got in with rose and pulled me in too as I literally froze in place.
Once everyone was in we drove to the second exit to get Evans apperently.

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