Chapter 30

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Amanda pov.
We were on our way home from lizzies house and Veronica was giving us feed back on what she believes.

"I honestly believe that she's better with her dad" what? She can't be serious he was drunk when we showed up

"okay... Explain? " I asked very slowly try3to understand what she meant by it.

"Well. His stable. Yes his an alcoholic but he can be put into a rehab and Amelia can stay at foster care for that time being and then placed into his care." fair point those are steps we can take if we wanted to. I had to know...

"okay, and why not lizzie? "

"well. Don't get me wrong lizzie is a very nice person but she's not as stable. She's not even a South African citizen. Her work requires her to travel alot and where does that leave Amelia. She needs stability and I don't think she'll get that with lizzie " oh this women was going to be the death of me. I might murder her in this car. Luckily we were at my house already.

I said my goodbyes and headed inside to call Ms Mary.

" hey Amanda, how's it going? "

" hey Ms Mary. We just got back from the house inspection and things don't look good. Veronica decided- " I filled miss Mary in on everything. We both agreed that all we can do now is hope and pray.


Lizzie pov.
So Amanda and Ms Veronica just left and honestly I don't think Ms Veronica likes me. I decided to let it slide and think positive. I went grocery shopping to get some ingredients because Uber eats everyday is not looking good for me especially when I have the marvel movie coming up. If anything I should be hitting the gym soon. I wonder what set is going to be like working along side Scarlett. Before it would've been fun and now I'm uncertain. Colin got back to me... She still doesn't accept my apology or that's what Colin said her face looked like as she said.. "can we just drop this and talk about something else". I messed up big time but I promise I'll get her back soon. Whatever it takes. I sent her some flowers and another note explaining what would happen tomorrow.

I've decided to make some vegetable stew. With all the veggies Amelia hates. Why? Because hopefully soon she'll hate me for even buying such things. I'll probably still make this and make her something separately. Or when we eat out I can get it.

We'll have picnics in the park and coffee dates at the secret Cafe on the corner. We'll have a great time. Ohh how I wish she could stay with me we'll live our best lives. Each other's favorite person. Happy together. I really hope and pray the judge sees me fit to be her legal guardian tomorrow .

It was currently 7pm. I just finished cleaning the dishes. Ima about to take a shower. Read a little and get some rest. Tomorrow is a big day.


Okay so today's the day,the judge will decide whether Amelia comes home with me or Nathan. I got dressed in my suit and put my hair up in a fancy hairstyle like James told me to. Why? No idea something about appearing like the best option.

My coffee and sandwich showed up that I ordered from Uber eats this morning. I know what I said yesterday don't judge. I didn't want to cook and clean again. I want to be early at the court. Speaking of I was on my way.


Amelia/Leah pov
I woke up in hospital. Last thing I remember was wiping out at the beach. Nobody was in my room but there was alot of gifts. Some from Crystal and jade and from 'your favorite person '? LIZZIE.
I grabbed the note on the balloons.

Heyy I got you some balloons. Honestly now that I think about it I don't even know if you have a fear of balloons. If you do in so so sorry.
Anyways there's alot happening that you should know about.
Firstly we going to have a talk young lady like why you said your name was Leah. I like Amelia more.
Anyways Scarlett and I had a massive fight I told you this while you were unconscious but I'm pretty sure you didn't hear me. Anyways I hope you not made but I've made the decision the decision to adopt you.

My heart stopped. OMG YESSSSS. BEST NEWS EVERRR!! I took a moment to breathe before reading further.

But your dad me Nathan has custody.

What! That's stupid. My heart just broke!
which is stupid because he told me his not interested in your like and you said your dad wasn't involved so what does he Want!! Okay that was my anger. I'm sorry it's ink I can't erase it.
Anyways I'm trying my best to get you to be mine.
You won't see me around because Nathan told the hospital that I'm a danger to you and they can't let me in.

I'll see you soon though. Promise.

I miss you so much and I love you

Okay that was alot.
I grabbed the second note that was attached

Hey sweetheart.
I just wanted to update you on what's happening. So I got a few of your things.. Like your diary and sketch books and stuff. Don't worry I didn't open any of it. I also have your laptop I have no idea why he didn't want it. I also have burrito I'd bring it to you once you wake up you can text me. I sent you a message from my new number. They also done house inspection today. I don't think the lady liked me but that's okay the judge has the final say. We appear in count tomorrow. The 1st of February. Just so you know when everything is happening.
I hope to see you soon.
I love you sooo much.


Lizzie pov.
We took a little break. When we get back the judge would make a decision. James said we had a quite fair chance but it can go either way and I was scared. I could loose Leah forever. And Nathan would keep her away from me just like the hospital. I really can't let this happen. Amanda and Ms Mary are rooting for me too.

The time has come to find out the truth everyone headed inside and got settled

"the court has decided that Amelia Samuel's would be placed in the full custody of Nathan - "

"WAIT!!!! "
The judge silenced the court room before he spoke
"what are your reasons for objecting. "

"well I believe you didn't take everyones testimonials into consideration. What about mine." the unknown voice spoke

"and who is it that you might be? "

"Amelia Samuels your honor"
_______________________________________________word count 1207

Hey sparklers! So Veronica is something.
And Amelia is awake!!!
What do we think about the Amanda pov. Is it good? Is it okay or should I stick to the usual?

Also does anybody Know how the rankings of the tags work? Let me know in the comments

Get some sunlight!
Sparkle out!

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