Chapter 38

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Amelia pov. Continued.

I woke up to my alarm ringing loudly. I quickly put it off and just continued to stay in bed. Attempting to wake up abit more than what I currently am.

I'm so not ready for today.

A solid 5 minutes later I got up and got ready. I had 55 minutes to get ready. I started by making my bed because this helps me think straight and puts me in a clear head space.

Well, this time around it didn't exactly work. Lizzie words were still ringing in my head. And our awkward conversation and then our late lunch and he not saying goodnight. As much as I really need her to get me through this day, I don't think I could face her.

In the famous words of Crystal...

"what do you do when the person who hurt you, is the only person that can make you feel better. "

Well I guess I'd call up her best Friend Scarlett but I knew I'd be seeing her later so I just had to play a game I haven't played since....
Well since before my mom died..

**Don't Get Spotted By Mom.**

I usually did this to avoid arguments or unnecessary punishments. Today I'll be doing it to avoid awkwardness and more hurt.

I've avoided lizzie for months before. 45 minutes shouldn't be that bad. Right?

I hurried to the toilet and did all my business before making my way back to my room.

30 minutes to go.

I got dressed in the outfit I picked last night, I curled my hair abit and put on light makeup, only to look less dead. When I finished up all the things I had to do I had 2 minutes to go...

I opened my door quietly, not to be heard.. I could smell the coffee brewing downstairs so I headed back to my room.

I could always jump out my window??? But I'm on the second floor and the last time I did, I ended up in hospital 🤪.

I've decided to sneak out the front door, or through lizzies office window. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs so I panicked and locked my door. The steps when right past my room, so definitely the bathroom. Once I heard the bathroom door lock.. I silently bolted for the front door.

Scarlett literally pulled up as I walked to the side of the road.

"GoodMorning butternut. ARE YOU READY FOR THIS DAY?" Scarlett said very enthusiastically.

"good morning. Miss Johansson, I love you but if you yell one more time I will not hesitate to turn the steering wheel into on coming traffic. Now. Where's my actual sunshine? " I pouted at the end for her to know that. 1. I was joking. And 2. I'm sad about roses absence.
Scarlett chuckled at my answer
" okay, miss I'm not a morning person. Rose wanted her dad to take her, so he did. I'll be fetching her later. Here's the important question. What do you want for breakfast?" she whispered loud enough for me to hear.
Was she mocking me?? She's probably use to morning tantrums 😂
"okay no need to whisper. I get it. "

"bunny I need coffee so could you please tell me what you'd like for breakfast. " she reminded me that I was yet to choose breakfast.

" double chocolate chip muffins and a caramel-"

"ice coffee "
"ice coffee " she mocked me as I said it and then continued to finish my sentence.

"with 3 shots of expresso. I'm aware. " she smirked at me and I swear she's been practicing that for work because she looked exactly like black widow.

Scarlett dropped me off at school and to say I was shit scared would be an understament. Sure Keen was here but his literally 2 grades higher than me I'm certain the school was split up in the phases. Since it started from 1st grade all the way to 12th. Your girl had to do alot of research based on this, because where I'm from schools work differently. For starters it's literally the end of summer BUT IT'S AUGUST! where I'm from, I would've been stuck in the middle of winter.

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