Chapter 39

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Amelia pov.

I've been going to school for at least 3 months and it truly sucks. I didnt muchly make friends, well at one point there was Katie. But she moved to California so, that's a shame. Keen talks to me before and sometimes after if we headed to set. During the day his usual with his friends which is cool. Understandable.

It's currently Tuesday morning and I'm running on 3 hours of sleep if not less... Why?


And you probably wondering. Why spend so much time on math? Well it's my first test that actually reflects on my grade and that would be the very first grade lizzie sees so I don't want to do bad like before. I'm trying to make her proud. She's been trying real hard to be an awesome mother and she achieved before she even started but her going the extra mile makes me feel like I should be doing the same. We talk about everything... Just not that I get bullied and that I have no friends but everything else.

The world soon figured out I was Leah and kinda knows the truth. So that's fun. Nobody at my school questioned it yet and I like it that way, I don't need people liking me because I'm Elizabeth olsens daughter.

Anyways I grabbed my things together and headed to the kitchen.

"GoodMorning sweetheart, here is your breakfast. Your lunch is over there on the counter and your coffee should be here in any minute "  she said while mentally ticking off all the things she needs to do. We enjoy our organized mornings. Lizzie is overly punctual on work days and I love it.
I thanked her for everything before digging into breakfast.
Usually I don't eat a heavy breakfast but today I was stress eating. Like Mr Osborne had to give us a math test in our first Class! At least it's not a Monday I guess. My coffee arrived and Liz and I headed out. She drops me off usually, occasionally we have Scarlett do it and the rare occasion. By rare I mean it only happened once because mom overslept and Scarlett was on a plane back from somewhere... She made Chris drive me. It was the best to be honest. I miss the guy.

I headed to homeroom and Ms Hansen was already standing there talking to a new student. She looking extremely popular even if she just got here. Her confidence was blooming. Also she's a red head. SUPER Cool. I couldn't see her face yet but her outfit screamed I'm a prep/jock. You know like I'll be the head cheerleader in 2 days. She wore a pastel pink jersey and pastel pink and white checkered skirt. You know those sporty tennis player looking ones. She had knee high stockings. It gave cottage girl vibez and my favorite would have to be her her extremely white converse.

"okay class. This is our new student roni, be kind and welcoming"

I kid you not when she turned its like I saw a ghost.
If Natasha Romanoff and Scarlett had a baby it would be her. She was drop dead gorgeous. Her piercing forest green eyes were so welcoming yet screamed I'd kill you if you wronged me. I love it. The bell rang and that meant and I was about to face my worst nightmare. This 'roni' girl seemed loss so I went up to her.

"hey! You lost? " I asked trying to be polite
She nodded and gave me a soft smile. I was currently questioning my sexuality.

She handed me her class schedule and we had all our classes together which was super cool.

"Uhm. Math, c'mon I'll show you. We actually have the same classes so you could just follow me if you want. "
Again she nodded. Not one for much words? How could someone be this confident and have zero words. Odd.

We headed to math class and I settled down I was sure she'd join the popular kids in the back where she belonged. She seemed kinda empty up there so she'll definitely fit in with Chloe and the rest. To my surprise she didn't. She down right next to me.

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