Chapter 28

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Lizzie pov.
It's been 2 days since the entire situation.. Finding Leah. Sorry Amelia. The beach situation, Scarlett and I's fight about literally nothing. My fight with Ms Mary. OMG. I'm the problem what's wrong with me?!! I was stressed and not in my right mind. Right? I'd like to believe that. That's also what I would've told Scarlett if she didn't head home. How do I know this. Her stuff was out of the hotel room. And Evans asked where I was and why Scarlett came back without me. She's also not answering any of my text emails or calls. that's Scarlett. Now. Amelia. She's still in a coma and her dad wants to be her guardian. His currently winning the court case because his the biological father to Amelia. I don't understand. She never spoke about the guy. Besides the fact that her mother blames her for him leaving because HE DIDN'T WANT AMELIA! why does he want her now? What changed? I have never met him before and I already want to shoot him in the foot. Where was he all those years? why didn't he want to have Amelia as a daughter?
I had so many questions but I had a meeting with Ms Mary and Amanda at the foster care today. They want to ask questions about adoption stuff.
So I got ready in a semi formal look and headed over to the foster care.  When I got there it was extremely quiet, unlike the last time I was here. There were no kids in the park laughing and screaming. Where was everybody. I knocked on the door and Ms Mary opened. I greeted first, with a little wave.
"Good Morning. Come on in. "she replied and opened the door enough for my to enter. The inside was beautiful. It looked like a children's play room all around. The walls were painted fun colours. Everything seemed baby proofed. She definitely had everything sorted out for her foster home.
" so where is everyone? " I asked genuinely curious.
"Well, currently everyone is at school.. " of course. It's Monday lizzie. Think!

"... Currently it's just us and Amanda and the two babies. " she continued.
She gestured for me to enter a room, which turned out to be her office. Amanda was sitting at the desk and in a corner were to babies in a play pen. They were adorable.
I greeted Amanda and we got to business.

"Okay, I know you are lizzie or Amelias Favourite person as she informed us. I got a few questions... Why would you like to adopt Amelia? " I smiled at the Favourite person part.
I soon got nervous and played with my ring.
"Well, Uhm. She's my Missing piece. I've spent five months with her and she changed who I am as a person. She brought me back to life. I'm at a point where I can't live with her. She's my favorite person and I'm hers. I want to protect her at all cost. Make sure she's okay. Make sure she eats healthy and properly so that she doesn't mess up her sugar levels. Makes sure she gets proper food and not some meat that she doesn't like. Or make sure her her cheese is always grilled and melted. Make sure she has her lavender scented pads without wings. Make sure she's getting enough sleep. Making sure that she knows she's worthy of love and she's good enough and she has nothing to prove to anyone. I wanted to give her the best life I can. " I answered truthfully from my heart. I has tears streaming down my face, I didn't even notice it until Amanda gave me a tissue.

"So I believe you. When Amelia talks about you her eyes lights up, just as much as yours did. She has nothing negative to say about you except butternut stew, she won't explain it apperently it's an inside joke. But my point is.. I think you're the most suitable parent even if her dad is related to her biologically. Unfortunately he is winning due to this so we gotta act fast." ms Mary added.

Our meeting finished up and I headed back to the hotel and ate something and then decided to call Scarlett again..
No answer. Greaaat.

I made my way to the hospital to see Amelia. Yup that's right. Private rooms can have anyone visit. Okay not anyone. But you know those authorized by the guardians. Ms Mary told them I was her main guardian. Why? Because I'm always here and Ms Mary can't afford to be. She does visit sometimes with a sweet girl named harper and Silvia. Other than that we have visits from s and Crystal and their third best friend jade. Jades parents were here once and then had a business trip to go to. We also had a boy visit I wonder what that was all about.

For the first time in these 2 days I was alone with Amelia. Probably because majority was still in school. I sat next to her and took her hand and spoke.
"Hey Leah. Or shall I say Amelia. You have such a beautiful name. I promise I'm not mad that you lied to me about it. I'm sure you have your reasons. I'm really sorry for not making it on time for your flight. If it makes you feel better... Know that I cried about it. Aunty scar said it was worse than my break up. Speaking of aunty scar. We got into a fight and I don't know how to fix it. I feel really bad for what I said but I'm also quite mad at what she said. It's complicated. You didn't need to know that. I'm sorry. As you know your dad what's guardianship over you and I won't have that. You deserve to be loved. So I made the decision to adopt you. There's currently a court case between your dad and I between who gets you. We back in court tomorrow and then Thursday again. I want you to know I'm try my best to make sure that nothing happens to you. I want you to get better, get rested. And wake up. Please just wake up. I miss you and I can't wait to see those beautiful green eyes of yours sparkle again. I love you. " I hugged her and headed home to get some rest as tomorrow is a massive day and I needed all the energy I could get.
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Hey sparklers

Heres a little filler for you.. ❤️
We have an update on what lizzie is doing in this time..

Drink water.
Happy Ramadan to those who part take.
Sparkle out!

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