Chapter 22

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"your mom passed away."

Amelia /Leah pov
My heart stopped. What? What does this mean? Who takes care of me? Do they go looking for my dad? My mom was an only child and so was my grandmother. I don't have any other relatives. Who's going to take care of the funeral? When did she die? What happens to me? Do I go to an orphanage? Do I live alone in that massive house? What about her debt? Did she have any debt? Doubt it. Did she have a funeral policy? A trust fund for me? Highly unlikely. I gotta get home!

After a solid 10 minutes of spiraling I felt a hand squeeze my shoulder.
"We leave on Sunday, unfortunately. I'm sorry. We'll figure everything else out okay? " I couldn't bring myself to respond to Sam so I just nodded. Crystal took me out of the room to the back yard for some fresh air. We sat in silence. I couldn't help but wonder what this could mean for me. I mean fostering is not that bad. I could end up with a better family I had or I could end up with worse. Then again, I'm 12 nearly 13 nobody actually adopts a teenager do they? I started stressing and wanted donuts. Lizzie was asleep so I went to Sam and obviously she agreed, she felt bad and was trying to do the best she could. I really appreciate her being here for me completely sober on a Friday. I wrote lizzie a note and left it on her bed side table because her phone is laying broken in rice all the way in sokovia.

Hey, not kidnapped! went out with Sam and Crystal to get donuts :)
Love Leah

I got dressed in more appropriate clothing and headed out with the pair. We entered a small donut shop and sat down. Someone took our order. Did I order a caramel latte and 6 donuts for myself? Yes, yes I did.
Sam was the first to speak when our waiter left.
"So, tell us about your holiday, why back so early, I thought you'll show up on Sunday? "
"well, the holiday was quite awesome, but something happened, like an avengers mission type of situation. So naturally we'd want to get out of trouble but also because everyone has to be on set tomorrow to meet up with the avengers to talk about the experience and how they felt and stuff"
We enjoyed our donuts and coffee and spoke about my holiday and they spoke about what they did at home alone. Most of the days was partying and I'm not even surprised. I actually enjoyed my time. I completely forgot about my situation. That's until now. When we were heading home. I gotta tell lizzie. No, that's okay I don't want to burden her with my sorrows. She's probably never going to see my after this ever again anyways.

We headed back home and lizzie was in the dinning room eating. So I walked up to her.
"hey Liz. My tired is finally catching up to me so ima head to bed" I lied.. I didn't want to bother her as much, she's going to worry and I'm not going to make leaving in 2 days easier.
"sure sweetheart. Goodnight " she smiled. It gave me more ease. I headed to bed and honestly I fell asleep within seconds maybe I was tired. Lol.

I was woken up by lizzie shaking me a bit.
"GoodMorning sweetheart, I gotta go with Scarlett to work, would you like to join. Keen and India are coming " she smiled I nodded and headed to the bathroom to do my business and get ready for the day.

Lizzie pov.

Something about last night didn't seem right. Firstly the conversation with Leah was odd but I let it slide because I assumed she was tired, she didn't exactly sleep when we got back. She also didn't sleep in my bed last night so this morning I decided to take her with me to work. I used my office phone to give mark a call to bring keen along and he told me he'd try and get India to come to. So that was sorted. I headed upstairs to wake her up. Usually it goes 2 ways. Clingy or grumpy but it was neither and her eyes couldn't even meet mine. What happened? I wasn't going to over step I didn't want to push her away in our last 5 days together. She headed to the bathroom so I decided to get ready for the day myself. I hurried because I had no idea what the time it was and I didn't want to be late on my first day for my first marvel contract.
We headed to set and I was there before Scarlett so people like rdj and Hemsworth were suspicious. I lied and said Leah wanted to spend as much time with her new 'family' that made their hearts melt so they didn't ask any further questions.
Scarlett showed up without rose so I assumed she was at her dad's. I had to spin the same story with her too. I hate lying to my best friend but I had to keep it a surprise for at least the next 10 minutes. We were currently waiting for Evans. He showed up but when he heard his partner in crime was in the building he went to find her first. The two of them are inseparable.

Just then Kevin feige and joss whedon walked into the caferteria where everyone was chilling. Joss was the first to speak .

"okay guys, listen up. GoodMorning. We have alot to do today but first I'd like to introduce you to our new character Wanda being played by the one and only, closest to all our hearts basically lives here... Lizzie olsen " everybody clapped and Scarlett jumped up and hugged me.
"lizzie, babe why didn't you tell me? " she looked at me in disbelief.
"well that would've spoiled the surprise " I laughed. After a solid five minutes of hugging and congratulating Kevin continued..
"okay so today we would like to do fittings and wardrobe and a make-up test and then you'll all have one on one with the avengers you play. Sound good? " everyone nodded and got to work.

looked over to Leah and she was laughing and having fun so I calmed down a bit the kid is back to normal. I headed to wardrobe to see my costume. Then done a makeup check and wigs and then I spoke to Wanda and can I be the first to say she's been through alot. There was alot of pain anger grief and other negative emotions, nothing I could ever compare to. Nonetheless we had fun talking about her first super hero experience.
I could finally go home so I said bye to everyone and headed to the parking lot where Chris and Leah were laughing. I assumed they pranked someone again.. I didn't even question it. We got in the car and I headed home.
"boy am I tired, being an avenger is hard. My bed is calling my name. " I started a conversation.
"yea well I can't go to bed I gotta pack I got a plane to catch tomorrow "
I pulled over on the main road and switched off the car. I couldn't process what I just heard.

"what do you mean you have a plane to catch tomorrow, isn't it on Wednesday?" I asked genuinely confused.

"Not anymore, we leave tomorrow and that's, that. "

I was getting a little upset.
"what do you mean that's, that. That's not that. Why didn't you tell me. I wouldn't have been at work we could've spent the day together. "

She gave me the most sincere look
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't want to believe it either I was hoping it was a lie that we had more time." tears were forming in her eyes so I got out of the car and walked over to her side, took her out and held her for dear life.

"hey, hey. its okay. It's not your fault. You couldn't have known" I tried comforting her. She held onto me tighter and just cried. And quite heavily. I couldn't help but wonder if there's something more to her leaving, but I didn't want push so I stayed there, just holding her. She clearly needs it and I'll be around to give it to her. For the next 24 hours atleast.

We got back in the car and headed home. I decided for her last night ima make her food she requested butternut stew and I'm genuinely not surprised. I invited Scarlett over for dinner knowing that it's the last she'll see Leah too.

We had dinner and watched a movie together before heading to bed. Leah was cuddled up between Scarlett and I. This would be the last we together. Well technically her plane leaves at 12 and I have an important meeting tomorrow that's for contract signing and scripts and stuff and that ends at 11 so I'll have enough time to head to the airport to say goodbye. I couldn't sleep so I headed to my office and wrote Leah a note. I put it in her suitcase so she'll see it when she unpacks. I headed to bed enjoying the last moment with my favorite person
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Hey sparklers!
So everyone finds out lizzie is in marvel.
Also lizzie knows something is wrong. Will she find out.

Fluff? Yes. No?
Anyways lizzie doesn't own a phone. 🤣

Take care of yourself
Sparkle out!

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