Chapter 6

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Lizzie pov

I hadn't slept all night I was worried about Leah. I got up and got ready to meet Scarlett. I headed to the kitchen and found that only one piece of pizza was missing. Did she not eat properly last night? Is it because of me? She is probably really mad at me. I decided that I'm going to give her space for as long as she needs.I passed the couch to the door and found Samantha extremely out of it on the couch she looked way pass hung over and it looked like she had a rough night. Now I'm not one to judge because before my cycle with Scarlett coming over I looked like that. The only difference being I didn't have any children to look after, her own and not to mention the child that doesn't even belong to her. The kids are in a complete different country for the first time and needs to be protected and looked after. They not even teenagers even though they both act like it. Crystal sometimes acted like she 22 and sounds 25 every single day and looking at the state of her mother right now I can understand why. She also went out with her mom last night and left Leah alone, what kind of friend does that. Leah was getting the raw end of the deal I was prepared to do anything to make sure she was comfortable and happy. I headed out the door and met Scarlett at our secret local coffee shop, no paps in sight; it was great to enjoy an amazing excellent cup of coffee with my best friend peacefully not worrying about anything. When I showed up Scarlett just gave me a worried look before she spoke.

"You look like complete shit, when last did you sleep, eat and brush your hair. This reminds me of your first week after you know who. Are you okay?"

I sat down while waving a waiter over.

"Well geez thanks Scarlett. I didn't sleep last night. Remember Samantha my new roommate and the two kids I spoke to you about" she nodded and looked at me to continue.

"Well Samantha is irresponsible, so her daughter crystal basically looks after her. This leaves Leah, which is not Sammy child out; casted and alone, so yesterday-"

I explained everything to my best friend, from the incidents to what I think she currently thinks of me, what I feel and think of the situation and how worried I am because of the 'not eating' situation. Also the coffee arrived in the middle of this so I felt less like shit now.

"Wow, I never thought I would see the day of you sounding like a mom"

"I do not sound like a mom" I internally questioned if I do.

Scarlett stopped my thoughts "You do! You clearly care about what she does, if she is eating, if she is okay. You literally going all mom mode right now which is kinda cute"

I just shook my head at my best friend

"I'm pretty sure I came here for advice not to be teased about my actions" Scarlett laughed her adorable laugh; she looked at me and smiled.

"I guess all you can do is; give her space" Scarlett shrugged before sipping her coffee.

Space, all she needs is space.

(3 month time skip)

Liz pov (continued)

It's been three months since the pizza accident and I haven't seen much of Leah, to be honest I haven't seen her at all. I spent a lot more time with crystal and Sam apparently everyone calls her that and not Sammy like I've been opinion has changed a lot and we actually get along very well on set and at home. We cook together and have supper together. Most nights Leah would say she ate before we came and the rest she says she'll eat later. To say I was worried would be the understatement of the year. She hasn't had a moment of sunlight, she always up in her room she even declined Elizabeth banks offer on the lead role. She did tell Sam to suggest to Elizabeth that we try and get Quvenzhane Wallis, as Leah thought she'd be the perfect Annie and Leah wasn't wrong. I felt so proud of her for knowing so much about filming. Back to the point! I'm genuinely worried about my kiddo.

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