Chapter 34

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Amelia pov.
Scarlett dropped us off an hour ago. Or at least i think it was that long. I jumped in the shower and got really comfy. Apparently I had to open gifts and stuff. I didn't even know that I had gifts to open. I wanted lizzie to get her gift first though. So I went to my suitcase and opened the small compartment. It had a little gift bag with a small long box in it.
All three necklaces were in there. The 2 that linked together. One for me and then the other for her. And then obviously my favorite one... The one with the picture inside.

I used the picture of the two of us in the kitchen. The one Scarlett took.. When I scared her and then lizzie knocked her head. I laughed at the memory before taking out my heart necklace and closing the box and then headed down stairs to where lizzie was sitting on the couch.

"hey honey, you ready to open presents? " she asked bringing gifts from the main table to the coffee table so we can sit on the couch and open them.

"yes I am, but not before you open this." i shook the bag slightly and smiled.

"oh.. You didn't have to. " she smiled.

She sat down and took it from me. She opened it and literally started crying. Did I do something.

"OMG it's so cuteee. I love it thank youu " she hugged me. Just looking at both necklaces from a far.

"well. That's not the best part. You see this heart - " I said taking the one necklace from the box and then taking mine out of my pocket to put them together.

"- and this heart goes together. Like you and me a perfect fit. This way we'll always be with each other. And well that one. You got to look through the jewel to see"

She picked it up and looked through it to see our picture she chuckled at it.

"oh yea. I remember this day.. You made me hit my head😅"

"I love it.. Thank youu" she gave me a bone crushing hug before handing me a present.

"okay let's start with Evans because he insisted that we do. "

Evans got me prank supplies with a card.
'Ready for prank wars. Just saying I'm better as an Allie. ;) ' I laughed at it for a while. We definitely were going to be teaming up.

Next was Rdj.
It was a black woodie. I loved it until I saw the writing in bright red.
'Rdj aka iron man is my favorite uncle/avenger'
And at the bottom of the box was a picture of him signed by him 😂😂😂

But why. I can't with this guy. His amazing.

Colin got me art supplies.
Robbie got me signed cds of milo Greene.

The twins, mk and Ashley got me a ticket to fashion week as well as a dress designed by them. And to say I was in love was an understament.

There was at least 3 different boxes from Scarlett.
One had comfy clothes. She really knows my style. Another had expensive art supplies. I forgot I told her that I love art. Wow.
And the last one. The small one was from rose. It had a drawing of the two of us in a picture frame and a cute white stuffed teddy bear. I loved it.

And then there was lizzies gift and there were many.

"okay, before you say anything I know it looks like alot but it really isn't. We going to start with the most obvious one and then move on"

She passed me something wrapped like a guitar so I assumed it was a guitar.

"Jade told me how much you like to play and I didn't see that you have one so I got one for you. "

I thanked her and hugged her..
She also got me a mirror, the same one I have In Africa. That's pretty great.

She got me alot of clothes too. A Polaroid camera. Sketch books and more art supplies. Now I have no excuse not to do art.
And lastly was a photo album.

"when Scarlett found out that we might be going to different universities she gave me a photo album to show our bond and she left sleeves empty so that when we saw each other again we could fill it up. So now we have one. I filled a few sleeves and the rest we can fill together to show how we grew. "

I smiled and hugged her.
"thank you for everything lizzie."

We were so tired that we left everything as it is and went to bed.


I woke up to the smell of oatmeal. I headed downstairs to find lizzie with her laptop at the dining table with what I smelled before... Oatmeal.

"goodmorning sweetheart. I tried this new thing. Overnight chocolate oats. It's amazing I made you some in the fridge. "
I said GoodMorning and headed to the fridge to find this oatmeal. I tried it and boy was it delicious like fireworks on my mouth. Might just be my new favorite thing. I sat down next to lizzie.

"so whatcha doing? " I asked kinda peeking over to see what's on the laptop.

"currently answering emails... But earlier I was searching for schools. For here in New York or for my home in California. Either works. We can even have you do online school, homeschooling whatever works. "

(a/N I know I said there's still a semester over but let's just skip that and believe it's a start of a new year. )

"I'd like to go to school. Here. In New York if you don't mind. I know Keen is here and rose and Scarlett "

We agreed and went down the list of schools we finally went with the one that Keen attends and that emphasized academics but also had a cool art and drama program..

'midtown high. School of science and technology.'

I started next week so we only had the next 3 days to get supplies.

I was excited I wasn't exactly the popular kid but I wasn't a complete nerd either. So popular enough to not get picked on and nerdy enough to not get invited to social events. The introverted part of me loved that.

Today I had a coffee date with Chris so I got ready for that and apperently we were taking dodger to the park. So that's would be fun. We promised to keep the mischief to the minimum but who are we kidding...
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Hey sparklers!
So. We had the gift opening and school selection. Mid Town high. What do you think happens? 👀

Also Chris and Amelia unsupervised in the park👀I don't trust them, do you?

Anyways take care of yourselves
Sparkle out❤️

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