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A searing heat, one that burns slowly at first, as if trying to make one get used to her burn, her intensity, before consuming completely, rapidly.
Soaring to a high and taking one completely by surprise, knocking them off of their solar plexus, leaving them with a pungent aftertaste of disorientation.

A painful constriction of the heart.
The formation of a cold sweat on the forehead.
A difficulty in catching a breath.
A burning sensation in the irises.
A weakening of the limbs.
A clogging of the brain.
An exhaustion so deep, making words like rejuvenation and refreshment seem like just a fragment of one's imagination.

Different heights, intensities, categories of pain
Some deep, some shallow
Some short, some prolonged
Some long-lasting, some fleeting
Some acknowledged
Some brushed off
Regardless, it's still her, and she demands to be acknowledged, to be felt, and to be seen.

Feel her, acknowledge her, and see her.
She's calling your name...can you hear her? Can you feel her embrace?
She means a lot to me now, Pain... She's become a good friend, a lasting friend, a loyal friend....

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