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Rejection is refusing to accept, use, or believe someone or something.
Rejection is treating someone in a way that communicates to them that they are not accepted, embraced, valued, or needed.

Rejection is being turned down, being ignored, and being deliberately overlooked. Rejection is also being undermined. It is looking down on someone's capacity and capability to positively inform and impact someone or a cause.

A rejected person is a person who is not wanted. A rejected person is a person who is not considered in every way that matters.
A rejected person is one who is isolated. A rejected person is one who is superficially judged and seen as not worthy or enough for someone/something/cause.

Rejected people feel unloved. Rejected people feel unworthy. Rejected people feel worthless. Rejected people feel unseen and unheard.
Rejected people feel judged.
Rejected people feel belittled. Rejected people feel abandoned.
Rejected people feel misunderstood.

Although focus is mostly on rejection in romantic relationships, sometimes friendships and familial relationships breed the biggest, not talked about enough rejection - rejection from humanity by humanity.

When people are rejected from being human, being among humans and integrating in human ways that are fundamental and crucial to their entire well-being, it completely shatters the core of who they are, the identity of their humanness and their need for it. People rejected in this manner lose hope completely on humanity - They lose hope entirely in the importance of community and integrating into humanity intentionally.

People rejected from humanity become desensitized to the reality of duality; that you can be mad at someone and still love them, that you can be secure in your career but unstable in social settings, and that you can have more than one hobby, fall in love more than once and make a mistake in the course of life.

People rejected from humanity by humanity become villains in stories they aren't a part of, and ironically also become extras in their own stories. Why? This is because the part of humanity that rejects them, sees itself as the only qualified people who can write the stories of those rejected on their behalf. The ability of them independently living their lives and writing their own chapters to their own stories becomes unattainable.

It is the biggest heartbreak known to man. It is heartbreak that faces you every day as you look in the mirror, and the longer you look, the longer you experience this kind of rejection, the deeper your wounds go, and the farther you go as well. This kind of rejection becomes a grueling reality of one's identity till their last breath.

Sometimes, all people have known all their life is rejection, and that is the biggest tragedy of them all.

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⏰ Last updated: 14 hours ago ⏰

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