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Consistent. Consistency. Intentional repetition of the same action, gesture, and principle. Usually done to maintain the level of excellence from inception. Applying enough pressure, diligence, hard work, intentionally, every day, without fail, to maintain a standard that has been introduced.

To be consistent is to be mindful. To be consistent is to be thoughtful. To be consistent is to be selfless. To be consistent is to sacrifice. To be consistent is to love.

Consistency guards a heart from the expectation and reality of disappointment. Consistency relieves the heart of the pain of fluctuating behaviours and loose promises. Consistency implores one to stay true to their word. Consistency breeds integrity and honesty.

I am of the belief that within every solid foundation of a relationship (familial, platonic, and romantic), consistency is one of the core, important building blocks that can't be forgotten and neglected. I am also of the belief that we measure the quality of our relationships through the discipline we exercise in maintaining consistency. What we begin with, we continue with, and eventually end with it. If we cannot promise and assure consistency, do we think we are capable, trustworthy stewards of people and the relationships we form with them?

If our word can't be trusted and relied on, what more of maintaining actions and behaviours that require even physical contribution from our part?

Why do we struggle with consistency? Why are we not honest with ourselves from the beginning? Why aren't we upfront on the things we can and cannot contribute to a relationship? Why do we try to replicate favoured behaviours over the reality of our own and their capacity? Why aren't we honest even to those in our lives?

If you can't assure consistency throughout, don't pursue. At the very least, be honest about that...

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